chapter four

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Payton's POV-

"Are you ready to go?" I hear Addison ask me, breaking me out of my thoughts.

I was sitting front row in a court room, I had just watched my attacker get sentenced to a minimum of 10 year before he can even think about parole.

I felt relieved when I heard that, it felt like I could finally breathe after 2 weeks of having the feeling that hes going to come and finish the job.

"Payton?" I hear her ask again.

"Addie, he's finally gone." I say finally looking up at her.

"Yeah, its great isn't it." She says sitting back down next to me and letting me lay my head on her shoulder.

"Addie, I think I might be pregnant." I say, finally telling someone what I have been thinking for a couple days.

I had been having morning sickness for about four days now, spending almost 2 hours a morning sitting infront of a toilet throwing my guts up.

"You do?"

"Yeah, I mean i think so atleast."

"Well I'll call meredith to get pregnancy test instead of tequila." Ahe giggles out before help me up and leading me to the car that we drove in while Amelia and meredith took the other car with Derek and the kids who were visiting.

"I'm gonna miss you, addie."

"I'll miss you too, but if your pregnant I want you to call me every day and I want to be at every scan." She says chuckle when I roll my eyes.

"I said I think I am. I might not be." I say pushing her gently before running to the car and getting in the passenger side.

"Payton, I swear to god!" She huffs when she gets into the drivers side.

"Just call meredith, I really need to pee." I say letting a little whine out at the end.

She laughs at me before pulling out of the car park and starting the 30 minute drive

She called meredith quickly aswell, asking her to pick some test up but not to tell anyone.

We just sat in silence for a good amount of time until she finally speaks up.

"Are you ever going to come back to LA permanently." She asks gently.

"I don't know, all I know is I need to get away from here. I need to be able to walk down the street alone without looking like a crazy woman because I'm looking all around just to make sure I'm not attacked again."

"I know, just promise to visit." She said as looked at me quickly before turning her attention back to the road.

"I promise."

She gently takes my hand and we just sit in silence for the rest of the drive.
"Okay, so we have 3 pregnancy tests and orange juice." Meredith says when her and Amelia walk into my bedroom. "Derek is putting the kids to bed and knows nothing about this."

"Orange juice?" I ask as I quickly run over and grab the tests out of her hand, heading to the bathroom to finally release the pee I had been holding for almost an hour.

"Because you love it, so whatever you feel when these tests come back you have your favourite drink." Amelia speaks up as she comes and sits on the bathroom sink, Addison following behind her while meredith stays at the bathroom door.

They had all seen me naked, so it wasn't really a problem, I was a little self conscious about all my bruises and cuts and already small scars.

"Are you gonna keep it if you are pregnant?" Amy asks as I pee on the finale stick and put the lid on it before Addie takes it and puts it on the side for me.

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