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Letitia had went back to her filming state a little over four days ago. Ever since she's left we'd really been talking non stop. The only time we weren't talking was when we were asleep and even then we were on the phone. The feelings were growing out of control and she was the only person I could think about. I truly only wanted just her. I could really say that I was straight before I even heard about her, I'm not even bi, I don't like men, I like Letitia.

Ever since the day I saw her I had to put myself out there, get known so I could at least have a chance. I said it, it was all for her. It took me ages to find myself and to display it for people at their disposal. That may seem a little vindictive, but I was obsessed, and I still am.

"Will you kiss me again before you go?"

"You like it when I play with you."

"I'm in love with her."

"You're my favorite person."

I was absolutely whipped, too whipped to do anything but just be whipped. I too was in love with her and I plan to admit it to her soon. No feeling could even compare to what I was feeling when it came to me loving Tish. Letitia is better than crack. The high you feel when you're off that shit never compared to the high you feel when you're in love with someone.

Even the feeling of being drunk off that Hennessy was no match to the drunk of being in love with someone. Can you really imagine being drunk and high off someone? All you can think about and feel is that person. Was it fun? For me, yes but for others it's addicting. For me is was too, still is.

"Just like that."

"Good girl."

"Put it on me."

"Can you go one more time?"

The sex. I've had plenty of it, nothing compared to the times I was writhing under Letitia. Just something about it was different. Yeah this time was with a woman and not a man, but it was a different type of different. It's like women know your body more than men do so anything a woman does is heightened significantly.

I shake like a person on drugs going through withdraws, eyes rolling back as if I'm being exercised (exorcism lol), back arching like that of a C shape. You probably would think I'm over exaggerating but she knew exactly where I liked to be touched, she did that and more. There was no time where she did anything wrong- besides the time she choked me for too long and thought I was enjoying it... we laid off of that for a while. Anyways, she always knew what to do when it comes to pleasing me and it wasn't easy to do so for others.

Even her on the other hand, the first time I'd touched her she was already whipped, shaking under me. I hadn't even done anything to her, had her shaking like it was less than 30 degrees in the room. She would explain that she's hard to please but truly I had her wrapped around my finger. I didn't even know I was that good until- well never mind, that's not important, that's rather unethical if I should say so myself. Just know, that's all I can say.

I haven't moved from my bed since the morning, it was 3. You would think I'm missing something, which I was but I was just too happy with my life to want to do anything to change it. What's the point when it's going as great as it could be. This is probably the part where you think I say something bad happens, but it doesn't. I laid on my stomach, kicking my feet in the air as I talked on the phone with Letitia.

I smile into the phone, "When are you coming back? I miss you"

"I miss you too, my love. I have a ton of things to do so it won't be until maybe three weeks if I'm being generous."

My smile drops and I sigh, "three weeks?"

"I know. I'm completely booked for interviews and my last day of shooting the Silent Twins is a few days from now."

"Aww okay. I really hope it goes well for you. You're amazing." I smile again, I could never feel neglected by her, I've changed completely.

She sweetly chuckles, "Bless you, babe. How about we take a trip when I'm done with everything?"

"Hold on, isn't your birthday three weeks from now?"

"Mhm, why?"

"Don't you want to have a party and hang out with your friends and family?"

"No, I want to be with you. Let go to Vegas."

Oh damn.

"Have you ever been?" I ask, simply curious.

"Nope, heard it was something serious."

"Tish it's so fun, I feel like you'd really enjoy it."

"You've been?"

"Yes and it was a movie, super fun even though I was underage when I went and couldn't drink but thank the LORDT I'm 25 and can crack open a piece of vodka."

Letitia laughs for a second, "hilarious. So what do you think? You wanna go again?"

"Hell yeah."

"Perfect. I'll send you a little something so you can go shopping for our trip."

Letitia was always giving something whether it's something small like candy, clothes, and couple cards but she was also quite literally giving me money. I didn't like it only because I made my own money and hated taking it from her. I don't know if it was my pride or the fact that I just never wanted to take money from her.

There's be times she'd send it and I'd send it right back. She's gotten creative with the way she sends it. She'll send it to me then block me so I couldn't send it back, forcing me to keep it but I'd explained to her thousands of times not to send me money but she's insisted and persistent. I've learned to just take it and move the hell on.

"You don't have to send me anything Tish I'm all good. On top of that, you sent me money two days ago."


"And that's enough. I don't need any more, I'm okay."

"K bye, I love you." And just like that she hangs up.

Now I would have a problem with this but this was the first time she said I love you. I was in complete shock, truly didn't know what to do. I wanted to say it back but the blackie hung up on me. I loved her too. She was my absolute everything.

I take the time to think about what she'd just said to me but I'm interrupted by my Zelle going off.

"What the fuck?"

I don't have too much to say besides I'm sad this book is ending... we still have a long ways to go but o em gee. I'm just so glad that we can all just grow together, laugh and joke with each other. Oh YEAH, Chile how much you think Tish sent her?!?!? I'm so curious about what y'all are thinking. I'm so proud of this chapter guys🥹 please stay fruity 💕🏳️‍🌈

Just Wright (Letitia Wright x Black Reader)Where stories live. Discover now