Michelangelo | Wow...

Start from the beginning

"We've lost our mystic power," Donnie explained.

"We don't have a plan," Mikey added.

"We don't need a plan. Remember I'm the greatest ninja the world's ever seen" He pointed his katana at Casey without facing him. "His words."

"Shouldn't we talk about this before we run off all half-cocked, willy-nilly pell-mell?" Donnie asked again.

"Look." Leo turned around to face his brothers."I keep being told I'm doing this hero thing wrong. But I got the key, Didn't I? I get results, so now we're doing it my way."

Splinter put his claw over Leo's hand. "My son, Listen to your team. This is not about you." Leo clenched his teeth tightly and pulled away from his father's grasp.

"They made it about me when they took my brother." He threw his one katana angrily at a wall. "Trust me, I got this." Splinter tried to reach out to his son but he walked away and pulled out his katana from the wall. "Donnie, you're driving." He sheathed his weapons and walked past his brothers.

Donnie, Y/N and Mikey looked at each other. They start following the leader.

"What do we do with this?" April asked Casey, who was still holding the kraang key.

"We can't just bring it with us, but we can't just leave it behind." April takes the canister from him.

"Then we should destroy it. Splints and I will stay here and take care of business." She said. Splinter gave Casey the thumbs up while he was looking at his hairy leg.

Casey walked away from her and said: "Thanks, Commander O'Neil." he began to follow the others.

"Commander? I like the sound of that." She said to herself.

"What is this thing?" Casey said, looking at the Turtle Tank. This was the first time seeing the beautiful vehicle. Donnie laughed.

The garage door opened from the outside. "Hold on to your gluteus maxmi." Donnie pushed the pedal and the tank was onto the streets of New York.

Leo is sitting in Raph's chair, Donnie is in the driver's seat, Mikey and Y/N are sitting in the passager seat, and Casey were standing next to Raph's chair.

"The Turtle Tank, baby! It's how we roll in the past. I mean, the present. I mean... Oh. Time travel's confusing."

Donnie pulled up a map of the city, and Raph's icon showed up. The icon is moving."They're on the move. According to the subcutaneous tracker I put on Raph–" Leo interrupted him.

"Wait, does that mean you put trackers on all of us?" He asked. Everyone began to stare at him.

"No?" Donnie said really slowly. He smiled nervously. "No... Of course, I did... n't." He pulled up the map again, changing back to the plan. "Based on their trajectory, they're headed..."

"To the tallest building in the city," Casey added.

"That's right, Metro Tower." Donnie pointed at the tall building on the map.

"I heard the story so many times as a kid, but I never thought....." Casey began to tell the story that his fallen family told him many years ago. ""And behold, from their perch atop New York City. The Kraang ripped open the sky itself. What came out was terror And what rained down upon us was worse than death.""

He finished. Everyone's faces showed fear and worry, even Donnie was freaked out.

"They told that to kids?! Man, the future is harsh." Mikey held his head and slid lower on his seat.

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