Chapter 18

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Few days later

Raizadas and Khushi reached court for the next hearing. Gayathri came to Khushi seeing her and took her with her. Mr Roy also joined Raizadas. Then all entered the courtroom. After sometime, their case was called.

Gayathri and Mr Roy stood up and bowed in front of judge. Then, Mr Roy sat down allowing Gayathri to start. Raizadas tried to calm themselves. Anjali prepared herself to be called to witness box.

"Your Honour, I would like to request the court to give me a few days time before I could proceed with crossing Miss Anjali Raizada. There are few evidences that I need to collect before I proceed with questioning Anjali. For that I need sometime. So I request the court to allow me to cross another witness instead of Anjali, today." Gayathri said politely.

Hearing that, Raizadas and Mr Roy were shocked. They were fully prepared for Anjali's questioning that day. But now Gayathri is asking for another witness to be examined. It will ruin all their preparation.

"Objection, your honour. This can't be allowed. Today, it was supposed to be Miss Anjali Raizada's questioning. At the last moment, Mrs Rajput can't ask permission to cross a new witness. And whatever evidence she had, she already submitted last time. Then, why this delay for new evidences which is not even there." Mr Roy said trying to do some damage control.

Gayathri looked at him with raised eyebrows. "How do you know there is no more evidences?" She asked Mr Roy challengingly. "Your honour, trust me these evidences are very much relevant to this case and is really needed before I proceed with questioning Miss Anjali. So I kindly request the court to give sometime to gather them. Also, I request the court permission to me to question another witness." Gayathri requested politely.

The judge thought for a moment and said, "Objection overruled. The court agrees to postpone Miss Anjali Raizada's crossing to a later date and give time to gather evidences relevant to case. Mrs Rajput, you can proceed with questioning another witness."

"Thank you your honour." Gayathri showed her gratitude. Mr Roy sat on his place frustrated.

"Your honour, today I would like to cross Mr Akash Raizada and Mrs Payal Raizada. And I request the court to allow me to question them together." Gayathri said her request.

"Permission granted." The judge said.

Hearing that Raizadas were scared. They felt tensed thinking what new problem is coming their way. Akash and Payal's names were called. Both stood up and went to witness boxes. They stood facing each other. They took oath and prepared themselves to be questioned.

Gayathri came to them with her usual soft smile. "Hello. Mr Akash Singh Raizada and Mrs Payal Akash Singh Raizada, isn't it?"

"Yes." Both nodded their heads.

"Can you both tell me your relation to Arnav and Khushi?" Gayathri said casually.

"I am Arnav Bhai's cousin. He is my father's sister's son. And Khushi is my sister in law." Akash said.

"I am Khushi's cousin. She is my mother's sister's daughter. And Arnavji is my brother in law." Payal too said.

"OK. So that means you both have double relation with Arnav and Khushi. You have married each other's cousins." Gayathri concluded.

Both nodded their heads.

"Hmm. How is your relationship with Arnav and Khushi?" Gayathri asked to both.

"Arnav Bhai is like a real brother to me. He is the best brother anyone could have. He is my role model and my guide. With Khushi also, I have a good relation. She is like a little sister to me." Akash said smiling.

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