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Levi- He's climbing up.

Reiner was upright and hardened his fingers and toes into claws and ran straight for the wall, he slammed his foot into the wall and then his hand, and with his repeated motion he climbed up Wall Maria.

Erwin- All Troops! Avoid clashing with the Armored Titan! Stay away from him!

Aether- Hanji, why didn't he signal to attack? What's he thinking?

Hanji- He's watching the enemy's movements. Because Reiner and friends prepared some sort of grand welcome for us

Erwin- "That quadruped type is carrying luggage on its saddle. It wasn't one of those that just transformed. in which case, is that the enemy's scout? If it took notice of our approach and informed Reiner, that must mean..." That quadruped type down there is an intelligent Titan. No, there might even be others

Armin- The titan has luggage

The Beast Titan slammed its fist into the ground and multiple small titans ran toward the gate.

Hanji- They're moving! Multiple two- to three-meters approaching!

Erwin- it's just like the raid at Utgard Castle... They'll go after the horses first. Their primary objective is to capture Eren and Aether, but... To achieve that, they'll take away our only escape option. With Wall Maria still being deep in Titan territory, we have no means to get back without horses. just by killing our horses, it completely blocks our escape and severs our supply line. Whether it takes one week or a month, they can simply wait until there's nobody who can move. Without any of the risks of battle, they can waltz in and take Jericho and Eren once he's too weak to resist. Right now, the fact that all those larger Titans are staying in formation is proof that their only purpose is to cage us in

Armin- Commander! The Armored Titan is close! And we still don't know where Bertholdt is!

Erwin- Yeah, I know Right now, what I fear most... is that Reiner and Bertholdt slaughter our horses unchecked. Therefore..."

Levi- are you finally ready to say something? I could've had breakfast during the wait.

Erwin- Dirk Squad and Marlene Squad! Protect the horses at the gate with Klaus Squad! Levi Squad and Hanji Squad! Take down the Armored Titan! Employ the Thunder spears at your own discretion! Achieve your objectives whatever it takes! This moment! This battle! The survival of humanity depends on it! Once more, for humanity... give your hearts!

Erwin- Wait, I did say Levi Squad, but I need you to stay, Levi

Levi- To protect the horses and not Aether and Eren?

Erwin- That's right, and to strike him down then the chance comes. You're the only one I can entrust to take on the Beast Titan.

Levi- Understood, Since I failed to kill that armored brat earlier, I'll make up for it with the Beast Titan's head.

Levi jumped off the wall and headed towards the horses.

Erwin- I have a plan for the armored titan.

Armin- Yessir!

Erwin- There are two halves in this battle for humanity's fate. And one of them... I'm putting on Hanji and your shoulders.

Reiner made it to the top of the Wall and looked over to find the horses.

Reiner- There they are... all gathered in one place. I'll kill the horses and make a break for it. That's good enough. No matter how strong Captain Levi is, he's still no match for our War Chief

Reiner was able to remove the blade from his neck and destroy it.

Reiner- "That was close, If I was any slower transferring my consciousness to my body, I would've died instantly. How did they even think to look inside the walls? Armin? Was it you? No... it doesn't matter, with this, our long journey is finally coming to an end."

Reiner- "That was close, If I was any slower transferring my consciousness to my body, I would've died instantly. How did they even think to look inside the walls? Armin? Was it you? No... it doesn't matter, with this, our long journey is finally coming to an end."

Reiner- "Erwin smith... Don't get distracted. I've got to kill the horses first."

Two lightning strikes were all it took to grab Reiner's attention and looking into Shiganshina he saw you and Eren in your Titan forms.

Reiner -"Why did he show up unprovoked? They should be painfully aware that They're our main objective. What are you thinking?

You and Eren then ran toward the southern part of the wall.

Reiner- "To flee south and escape over the wall? If he's alone, he could escape as a Titan to Trost without a horse. And were that to happen, we'd have no reason to stay here and fight. Even if we did manage to annihilate the Scouts, we can't let two people who mastered hardening two months back in the walls. If they learn to master the Coordinate's full power, it'll be too late. No... this is weird... If they were really escaping, they would've transformed after using ODM gear to scale the wall. Why would he transform when Shiganshina is surrounded by walls? Oh, I get it... they're trying to change my target from the horses to them!" Not giving me time to think... Dammit, Commander. And I climbed way up here...

Reiner jumped inside Shiganshina and chased after you and Eren.

Eren- He took the bait

Aether- I hope you know what you are doing, Eren.

You screamed stunning the titans outside the wall.

Beast- This scream...It's him!

Connie and Sasha took you out of your titan and gave you two thunder spears as you two ran toward Reiner.

Hanji- Go! Now!

You all zipped toward him at all angles.

Reiner- "They're making a move? I knew they have been gradually surrounding me, but What can they even do to make with their blades? I've got hardened armor covering every inch of my body. They can't even scratch me"

Hanji and Mikasa got close to him and shot thunder spears at his eyes.

Aether- It worked

Everyone shot his nape.

Connie- It works!

Sasha- It's working!!

Jean- The armor of his nape is peeling off!

Hanji- We need to do it again...And it should do it!!

Aether-  I thought you were ready if it ever came to this! Let's do it!

Everyone this time charged at Reiner's nape and fired off their last Thunder spear into his neck

Reiner- W-wait!!!

                                                                         -To be continued

The Queen's Beast (Historia Reiss x Male! Oc) A.O.T  ✔Where stories live. Discover now