traditional wedding day.

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We were on our way to KZN I was with Bheki. Tomorrow they are going to introduce me and we'll also have umembeso something like exchanging gifts my family will arrive tomorrow. We went in a mansion of a house it's beautiful. It has many rondavels. We parked and went out. There were  people who seems to be helping anyways. Bheki hold my hand and we went inside. I'm scared a lil though. We were met by a beautiful pregnant woman in the staircase looking straight at the door. She made eye contact with me. I
Her face changed to a frown and she was about to cry.
Bheki:"ukhalelani thenjiwe?"
Her:"why did you bring her now?"
Him:"when am I supposed to bring her? She's my wife "
Her:"what about me?"
Him:"what about you??"
They were shouting and I couldn't hold it anymore. I went out. The sky was now dark. I think it will rain. After sometime Bheki came to me.
Him:"I'm sorry."
Me:"for what?"
Him:"meeting her like that."
Him:" am I forgiven?"
I nod. He lean in to kiss me but I moved.
Me:"there are people. They'll see us."
Him:mhhh let's go." He took my hand and we went upstairs. This house is big and beautiful too. We went into a room looks like a guest room. It was so cold. So I'm given a guest room while the pregnant thenjiwe sleeps with my man?WOW. The knock came through and bheki went to open and took my bags.
Bheki:"I won't be with you  from tomorrow we will see each other the day after tomorrow."
Me:"But I don't have anyone that  I can stay with?" He was sitting on a single couch  and I was standing in between his legs.
Him:"my sister and mama will be here and please baby stay far away from thenjiwe and  nokubobga." I guess nokubonga is the  king's second wife.
Him:"I'll miss you." He sulked.  I laugh.
Me:"now you're being a baby" I sat on his lap and kissed him. He hold my boobs and I stop. I hate it when he does this. I just don't like it don't ask me why.
Me:"I just hate it when you do this?"
Him:"ndicele kuba ke mommy?" I laughed because he really sounds like a baby.
Me:"just don't do them today please."
Him:"tomorrow they are going to test you." Test me what
Him:"virginity test baby."
Him:"they don't believe me when I say you're the one. It also a tradition ,it has to happen." ok.
Him:"aren't you angry?"
Me:'for what?being tested?nah I'm used to that. mom would normally go with me apha kwaZulu and we met as girls sing they call it I forget baby do you know what do they call that thing?"
He shook his head no while holding the laugh. I tried to remember but mhlanga was the only thing I could remember.
Me:"something like mhlanga."
Him:"semhlangeni baby"
Me:"yes emhlangeni" after that we laughed so hard. We continue talking. I asked him to sleep a little he agreed. We slept.

We were woken up by a soft knock at the door ,I attempt to get up but Bheki bring me back and hold me tight. I turn to him face. He was really sleeping.
Me:"there's someone at the door."
Me:"let me go and check."
Him:"just shout come in."
Him:"then let's sleep." I kissed his lips he responded but not opening his eyes . He pull out.
Him:"don't  try that thing of yours because I'll fuck you until you pass out." Immediately my body shivered. I went to the bathroom and took a shower. When I come out.i wore a long sleeve long dress ,I cover my head and shoulders then went out. I found the bed made and he was busy with his phone.
Me:"let's go ,I'm hungry."
Him:"ayboo babyy ,woza la."
Me:"haa.a Bhekizizwe ndilambile mina" he gave me a stare and shook his head "bhekizizwe wow" he said.
Me:"I'm sorry but I'm hungry." I was really hungry guys like yooh.
Him:"why don't you want a white wedding?"
Me:"it's expensive."
Him:"expensive for who?"
Me:"hayy baby marn ,I don't like wasting money."
Him:"well you have to use your man's money." I laughed
Him again:"lobu independence bakho buzosebenza le ngaphandle laa kimi uzonakekelwa yim." I smilled "futhi kuzomele sikhulume nge girlfriend allowance."
Me:' no  you're extra."
Him:"not monthly weekly"
Me"baby haa.a. monthly." He laughed and we went out. We found everyone sitted in the living room. We greeted at the same time and looked at each other and smilled. We sat down.
The King entered everyone stand up and the king told as to sit we did.
King:"as you all know tomorrow we have a ceremony of bhekizizwe and nonjabulo. I hope no  one is planning bad things to the family." They nod.
King:"come baba."  A seer came in with his bag  and a mat on his left hand side.
He sat down on his mat and take out 5 different colour candles and a incense (impepho).and a small back again.
He light his candle and the red one keep on switching off and off. He light It again and it didn't do anything it just went off. I felt a heavy dark presence in the room in thenjiwe. I look at her in a frown.
Seer:"Thenjiwe do you have anything to tell our wife?" I felt eyes shifting to me but I didn't stop looking at her. I can see her putting poison on bheki's food with the help of the second wife I turned to look at nokubonga. I could see her sleeping with other men and aborting 2 babies so heartless.
Me:"mhhh" I snapped out. Woah what was happening to Me?I can see the past and the future.
Bheki:"Linomtha stop doing that."
"I'm sorry" I knew what he meant.
Seer:"explain  thenjiwe." Thenjiwe kept quiet.
Me&seer:"you can't attend the ceremony along with your friend."
Bheki looked at me with a frown everyone was looking at me. What did just happened.
Seer:"ndodana come and see me with your wife before the end of today." After that he switched off candles using his fingers. I wondered if he is not burning.
Bheki:"let's go eat." We went to a kitchen and a chef said he'll dish for us.
him:"what happened back there?"
Me:" I don't know."
Him:"wow" our food was now ready we ate and after we went to the hut. We walked in barefoot and sat down.
seer:"you have a gift. You can see the past ,present and the future."
seer:" yes, you remember those dreams?"I nod  "same as your husband's but you see that grandma?it's your protector. She's was the first ancestor to love you. She had a gift so she decided to give it to you since you have a pure heart and you're strong enough to handle his real grandgrandson right here." Real what does he mean Real?...
seer:"you'll find out just not now. " I nod and after we went back to the house.
Me:"what did he mean by real you?"
Him:"he meant exactly that." I let go of his hand and went upstairs. I think people were sleeping because the house was quiet. I went to a bathroom i took a quick shower and wore my pyjamas then went undercovers.
I was half way to my lala land when a call come through I didn't check the dialer.
Him:"are we fighting?"
Me:"I'm sorry I didn't know it was you. "It was bheki.
Him:"yeah right. I'm sorry about that, I don't think it's time for you to know.".
Me:" it's okay." We kept quiet for seconds
Him:" I miss you."
Me:"I miss you too"
Him:"I'm coming , you'll sleep with me." He then hung up.
After few minutes the door opened and his cologne hit my nostrils.
Him:"let's go." I took my robe and wore it and he lift me up and put me on his shoulder. I screamed a lil.
Him:"babe you're making noise" he said laughing. We went to his room.
Him:"Bengigodola. "
Me:"here are blankets mus"
Him:"I needed body warmth"
me:"wow" we went in and he spoon me. We slept.
"Babe" ."babe". "Babe" that was Bheki waking me up. I woke up and it's like I only slept 2 hours...
Him:"uyakfuna uNtombi athi bamthumele ukuthi azokfundisa."
Me:"azongfundisa ini baby?ndifun'ulala mina." I ask annoyed.
Him:"angazi baby vuka ngyakcela."
"Before you go just know that I love you and I'll always love you baby okay?"
Me:"i love you too." We smilled and kissed for few min then I pulled out.  He lift me up again with my legs around his waist and my head on his chest he put me back to the room and I slept after  I think 30 min they woke me up. I went to bath and  I wore a long dress I brought many long dresses. It was 04:00. I went out and ntombi was here with 2 of her cousins.
We practise our dances and they were surprised how i know to dance because I'm Xhosa. I told them that I would go with my mother emhlangeni since my grandmother was the head of the girls she was protecting and guiding the girls so I learned there. Ntombi told me that the spear must point at the sky symbolizing that I'm still a virgin. It was now 5am and the noise outside was loud wtf.  A beautiful  lovely woman went in with tea and scones.
Ntombi:"mama you're the best sherm , thank you." She kissed her cheek.
Woman:"hello koti."
Me:"yebo mma"
Me:"ngiyaphila mma wena unjani?"
Her:"ngiyaphila." "I'm bheki's mother."
Me:"ngiyajabula ukwazi mma."
Her:"ehee nathi syajabula ukuba nawe la ekhaya."
Me:"ngyabonga." She smilled ohhh what a wonderful mother she is.
She put the tea down and went out we ate and after eating they said we must come to a hut. We went there. They told us to lay on a mat we did and the mother of the village checked and when they got to me they took time before confirming I'm still a virgin. their faces
were filled with smiles.
Me:"nginemnyaka ewu 22 mma"
woman1:"uzphethe kahle ntombi yami." they all nod in agreement went to the river they bathed us and we went back there. I was now wearing a Zulu attire and I was not wearing a shirt because I was still a virgin we dance and dance and dance and damn I was tired and It haven't started. My family arrived and lindani is also here. I haven't seen bheki since but I saw the king and his family. I dance for the last time and we went to the hut where we were changing. We stayed there and bheki's mom came and told me to go to the seer's hut. I did. I walked in barefoot. I found bheki sitting there I greer and sat down.
ntungamanzi is his name he take the knife and took cut our small fingers a little and blood came out and I was crying yerr.he took the blood and mixed it with his things and then burn the incense called the Zulu clan names and asked them to accept me because I also accept their request after that the rain poured.
seer:"sebevumile Mageba. Asilinde lithule kancani nizophuma." We smilled and wait for the rain to stop but it was becoming worse and worse. At last it stop and we went out and I went to the girl's hut and they made me wear like a zulu wife and after that the girls went out and woman came they gave me advices and told me I must not starve him in bed you know mus ayy. They fixed me and we went out singing we went to sit on a tent and the ceremony began. We exchange gifts and I was given lots of blankets. We were now done ngo membeso. I had to dance for my husband. I did with a spear on my right and a small shield. I dance and people were surprised that I can dance like this. We were now done with everything people have ate and now people were drinking their things..... ntombi told me that I had to be deflowered the night of our wedding day which is today infact now and I'm scared. I now regret seeing Mageba's d*ck. After showering I went to his hut we'll be sleeping there  tonight I was wearing my silk black night dress and  my bonnet. I got in and he was not there so I get in undercovers.i slept.
After sometime I heard the door opening and heard some shuffling then a few minutes later he got in bed.he cuddle me and I could feel his d*ck on my butt. I shifted  a little  away from him.
Him:"it's cold and it's your fault  now you have to make me warm" I bit my lip.
him:"stop doing that."
Him:"stop biting your lip you're making me hard."
Him:"I don't want you working for Me."
Me:"why?babe I love my job please what am I going to do,staying here at home like a pregnant woman no." He was laughing
Him:"I didn't say you're quiting you're still going work but not in my company" I wanted to ask but my mouth betrayed me.
Him:"where will you have your honeymoon?"
Me:"honeymoon is for people who had a white wedding and I didn't have one."
Him:"that's it you're having it."
Me:"a what?"
Him:"white wedding."
Him:"you were doing things there." I smilled.
Him:"you really did well."
Me;"thank you."
Him:"Ngyakthanda wena okhethwe badalaa"
Me:"ngyakthanda nami."
Him:"kiss me."
I turn and kissed him. Our lips started moving in the same rhythm. I wasn't about to put my tongue in there but he pinched my ribs a bit which made me gasp  and that allowed him to put his tongue in my mouth but I still didn't break it. I could feel alcohol in his mouth the next thing he was on top of me. We went with flow. I came back to my senses when I feel him touch my tighs. I stop

him:"why did you stop?"
Me:"you were getting carried away."
Him:"what's wrong with that?"
Me:"uyasinda"in a blink of an eye. He flipped me over. I was now on top.
him:"I didn't say we are going to have sex."
Me:"what if I want to have sex?"
Him:"you just have to ask baby."
Me:"you wish."
Him:"are you sure you want to do this?"
Me:"forget I said anything."
Him:"tell me"
Me:"I want it." Did I just say I want it.
Him:"you want what?"
Me:"I want you Bhekizizwe marn."
him:"say please."
Me:"mxm" I was about to sleep when he kissed me again hungrily. I went with the flow. He took off my dress and kissed my boobs and went down until my nana , he took of my panty. (REMOVED).

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