Mr Z, introduction

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Mr Zulu was here almost the whole night ,I fell asleep on a couch  I don't even know how i ended up in my room ayy. Last night was nice sherm I really enjoyed even though Mr Zulu was looking at my body now and then. I think I'm falling for him yaz mara ayy anyways it was 07:00 I just woke up and went to the bathroom i took a shower and I just wear my black shorts and an oversize t-shirt. I'm not going to work and I'm also not going to buy clothes with that guy ayy. I think I have to do my hair sherm. I went downstairs. I ate breakfast and went to sit at the lounge I took my laptop and sent an email to work telling them I'm sick.i then chilled all day busy with my phone and eating. I was bored like literally bored so I decided to sleep. I took a fleece then I slept on a couch.
unkown's POV.

"Is miss Dlamini in?"

"No ,but she sent an email saying she's sick" hayy I was dissapointed sherm I wanted to see her pretty face today , I miss her I know I was with her last night but I want to hear her voice again I want to see her when she smiles I want only her right now.

Me:"okay" I went back to my office I sat there not knowing wheather to call her or what I just sat there confused i decided to call. I called her but she didn't answer it I tried again, nothing. I called for the last time it rang and when I was about to give up she answered.

her:"hello" her voice was horse like she was sleeping
me:"why didn't you come to work?" I heard shuffling  on the background and then she clears her throat.
Her:" I'm sick,I sent an email didn't I?
Me:"you did ,do you need anything?"
Her:"nah I'm okay ,thank you for asking though"
Me:" I will come see you later" she kept quiet ,I think she zoned out again "Linomtha"
Her:"ohh uhm yea..yeah sure"
Me:"okay goodbye"
Her:"yeah...see you later."
hey guys you all know me as Mr Zulu well let me introduce myself
My name is Mpiyakhe Bhekizizwe Zulu. I'm 26 of age. I'm lawyer I have 5 siblings 4 brothers and 1 sister who is a last born.I'm from a royal family so my family is big. I have a law firm ,'Zulu law firm'. I don't have a girlfriend but I have actually I had someone I was fucking but I stopped since I met Linomtha. okay let's talk about Linomtha. she's beautiful yenaa , and she is  everything a man can ask for , She has a very well structured body but she's stubborn yerr but I don't complain though I always wanted a woman who's like her a woman who is stubborn who doesn't listen everything I say. Yesterday when I was about to sleep I just missed her so much so I decided to visit here when I called and told her she should come outside she told me she won't so I decided to get in and she was wearing short pyjamas which suit her skin so perfectly and her body was ohhh I don't even wanna think about it. I even regretted getting inside because I was hard when I look at her tighs I just wanted to bury my head in between but I haven't take a move because she will think I'm taking advantage on her so I decided to take things slowly but not too slowly. I want to take her out today so i can ask her to be my girl infact she's alreadt my girl it's just that i want her to know nje cha.but she said she's sick I don't know what I'm gonna do but I'll make a plan you know. I love this girl with all my heart I never felt like this before whenever I'm next to her my heartbeat fast and I just smile now and then. I think this one is the one no I don't think I know this is the one I can feel it.
I was sitting at the living room with my brothers when the king and queen enter the living room we stand up and bowed our head as a sign of respect.
King:"you may sit down" we all sat down. "Bhekizizwe ntungamanzi is waiting for you in his hut" I nodded and went to the rondavel. I took of my shoes and went in.

me:"thokoza gogo"
Him:"ndodanaa inhliziyo yakho iphephile ,ngyabonaa uyakjabulisa futh akekho umuntu ozonihlukanisa" I was lost lost lost lost.
Me:"mkhulu I'm lost" he make sounds.
Him:"you've found her my son pity is that your family won't accept her because she has the royalty blood of the Xhosa's" wtf
Me:"makhosi stop talking in riddles"
Him:"the girl that is working for you is the one who was meant for you she's special and strong more than you think. You can't control yourself when you're with her. You just want her to be always next to you. You wanna tell her how much you her but the thing is you're scared that she won't agree to be love by you you're scared that she won't love you back well my boy that woman loves you , you're also meant to be with her she was dreaming about your grand grand grandmother and you were also dreaming about her grandmother and the day  you met at the office at night you dreamt about the very same woman who was with her it's just they didnt show the face and you light will shine bright on your face when you were to look at that girl it was her , you were having common dream ,even now" I was confused and I didn't know what to do I just nodded.
Him:"you have found her now make her yours officially and remember she must not leave you she's special and she will bring blessings  in this family infact the whole village" I noded not knowing what to say.

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