Making Out in a Supply Closet? No, Obviously

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"... and then she was like 'I told you I prioritize you over her, but how could you betray me by dating her when you knew I liked her' and honestly I felt really really bad but also come on you two had barely been talking and I..." Milani kept rambling on about what happened in the cafeteria between her and Sara. 

The two "girlfriends" were sitting on the floor of a supply closet they found, and were eating gummy bears Milani found in her backpack. 

Milani took a breath to shove gummy bears in her mouth before continuing. Nova was listening. She was listening to Milani the same amount that she would listen to a math lesson, which was maybe slightly less than 50%.

Milani eventually got to what Jennie and Nova were talking to, which Nova didn't really want to touch on, so she very clearly changed the subject. 

"What's your body count?" 

Milani did a double take. "I-I'm sorry??????" 

"What's your body count?" Nova said while smirking lightly. 

"Can we have the more private questions later on?" Milani said with a pink blush on her cheeks "Lets start with dating or something. How many people have you dated Nova?"

Nova didn't have to think long about it. "None."


"Nope. I'm not a big fan of commitment. You're my first." Nova said that last part hoping Milani would catch that innuendo. 

She definitely did, because of her increasingly red blush. 

"What about you?"

Milani had to think for that question. "Maybe four or five guys."

"Is that including Gareth?"

"Yep. I mean to him it really was dating, I'm surprised he really didn't catch on the fact that I was using it to get back at you." Milani said snarkily. "Ok, next, how many people have you kissed"

Nova did have to think about that. "Ummmm, maybe like 15 or something."

"15???" Milani couldn't believe it. Well she could, because who wouldn't kiss Nova, but also 15??

"Mine is 13." Milani said as nonchalantly as she could. It was actually 4, but she's not telling Nova that, she knew she'd make fun of her for it.

Nova smiled. The question she really wanted to know. 

"What is your body count?" Milani paled. She'd really have to say this?

"Uh, well, actually just one."

Nova let her curiosity get the best of her"Who?"

Milani looked confused. She'd been staring at the floor during that confession, but looked at Nova like she was crazy. 



"Yeah, remember? The Halloween party?"

Nova seemed to come to an understanding, and when she finally realised what she said, she began laughing till there were tears in her eyes. 

Milani was embarrassed, as red as a tomato, and confused as hell.

"What is so funny??"

Once Nova's laughter finally died down, she wiped the tears from her eyes before saying, "We didn't have sex."


"You were blackout drunk, Milani, I took you home to get some sleep. Because I'm a nice person." Nova said that last part very prestigiously, the tone Milani would use while talking about her fancy roles in fancy films. 

Milani put her face in her hands. She wanted to scream, she had never been so embarrassed in her life. 

Milani tried to wipe away her blush, but couldn't and just decided to ask, "What about you?"

Nova had to think about this question too. " Uhhhh 6."

"Woah. Guys or girls?"

Nova smiled. "Both."

This time, Milani let her curiosity get the best of her. "What's it like? Was it awkward your first time?" 

The bell indicating the end of the lunch period rang, cutting Milani off.

Nova got up and held out a hand for Milani to hold. She kept holding that hand as they exited the storage closet. Their classes were on the other sides of the school, so they seperated.

Before either of them got far, Nova quickly turned around and called Milani's name. 

Milani turned around. 

"For your previous questions, I'm sure you'll find out soon enough!"

Milani's cheeks burned at what that possibly could have meant. Nova's were burning too, thinking about how Milani thought Nova was her first time and didn't have too many complaints about that. 

A/N: oof you guys they're barely enemies. 

fake dating has a weird mix of fake intimacy but also real? idk. It'll be fun.

a double chapter as compensation for waiting a month. 

thank you very much for reading!

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