MSMC Bk 6 - Chapter 13

Start from the beginning

"That reminds me. I've been wanting to ask the Ninja Warriors up here to train with us. Babe, remind me to call them before you go in the morning, please." Rooster said.

"Okay. So are you going to give him the road name "Defender"? I asked.

"If I can't think of something better. The Indians called a painted pony a "Pinto". He wants to be a painter and he's not a big person, so I think it fits." Boomer said.

"Yeah, but what happens if he hits his growth spurt and works out a lot and gets bigger?' Rooster said.

"Hey, a Pinto is still a horse. And who knows what he's packin'?" Some of those little guys have really got it going on in the package department." Boomer laughed as Kaylee slapped him for being nasty.

"Babe! We don't need to know anything about what he's packin'!" She scolded him, then whispered something in his ear and he grabbed her waist and pushed down as he lifted his hips and everyone burst out laughing as Kaylee's face got bright red.

"Well, we can't get the cuts just yet so you've got some time to think about them. Babe, when are Cheryl's machines due to come in?" I asked Rooster.

"The email said they would be here by 5pm tomorrow. Hulk, where do we stand with the stuff she needs to set up her shop?" Rooster asked.

"The tables she requested are done and ready to be set in place. She told me this afternoon where she wants shelves and we've built the cabinet she wanted. That thing came out really cool. We'll bring them around in the morning and set them in place where she told me she wants them. All she needs, that I know of, is a rolling chair now." Hulk said.

"Good. Now if we can find the leather and material and thread tomorrow, we'll be set. I just hope we can find it quickly and make it back here in time to get to the church." I said and began to push my way off Rooster's lap. "Speaking of which, I'd better get to bed because I've got to be up early in the morning."

"Okay, babe. I'll be up soon. I just want to finish my beer." Rooster said and without even blinking, I picked up his beer bottle and necked half of what was left. I set the bottle back on the table and said "Don't take too long."

Everyone at the table laughed as I sacheted out of the bar. I laughed and began to run when I heard Rooster yell "To hell with my beer. Night everybody!"

I was halfway up the stairs as Rooster came running through the house. I laughed and ran for our room, leaving the door open for him.

Rooster and I made love in the shower and then twice more in bed before I called Uncle and we fell asleep sometime around midnight.

The next morning got here much too soon for me. I was still tired after last night but got up when Sammy began to fuss. I pushed on Rooster to get him to wake up and told him "Watch your son while I go get a shower. I'll take him down and feed him when I get out."

"Oh, lord, what did we do last night? I'm tired and my back is sore." Rooster groused as he rolled over and pushed his legs off the bed and sat up.

"We got very enthusiastic that second round. It surprised me that we did it again after that and you are not the only one feeling it." I told him. I pushed off the bed and made my way to the bathroom. I took care of business, ran through the shower to get the smell of sex off of me and then brushed my teeth and hair. I decided to braid it so that it would stay out of my face today and left the bathroom to find my husband leaning over my son on the bed, talking baby talk with him. Rooster had changed his diaper and his clothes and even stripped the sheet off the playpen mattress.

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