MSMC Bk 6 - Chapter 6

Start from the beginning

"Nope. I hope not at least. Come on, let's go ask." I said and waited while she put on her shoes.

Hand in hand we went downstairs and Rooster was just coming out of his office and we met him at the foot of the stairs. "Prez, can we borrow one of the SUVs for a little while? Jullian wants to go to the craft store for some yarn and stuff."

"Sure. Fill it up if it's less than 3/4 tank while you are in town too." Rooster told them.

We thanked him and grabbed a set of keys then headed out the door.

Rooster's POV

I'd spent most of the past couple of hours going over expenses and it brought me some concern. I hated that part of my job as the president of such a large MC. Our expansion was great but not the bills that come with it. We have been extending our clubhouse and crew but not our levels of income and the expenses were quickly eating up the savings we had built up to the point I was having to draw on it almost every month.

I had just decided to take a break and go find something to drink and to see what Dixie is up to when I ran into Rudy and Jullian. They asked to borrow one of the vehicles to go to the craft store and I told them to go ahead.

The next morning, we went to take care of the Satan's Riders prisoners, Rudy and Kevin were both so nervous all the way there that they both felt like puking when they pulled up outside the back of the jail like they had been told to do. Rudy told Kevin "Just keep thinking about Marley and little Scotty and what bastards like this did to them." Thinking about that seemed to calm them both down and gave them the resolve to do whatever was necessary.

We walked inside to talk to Captain Russell and he led us down to the cells. When one of the men saw me and Hulk coming towards them, they both began babbling that they would tell us anything we wanted to know. We entered the first cell that held a young man, who looked like he was barely old enough to even be called a man.

"Hell, our club has been wiped out and no one has answered our calls for help so we are pretty much on our own here and I didn't want to join this damn MC to begin with and I, for one, am not going down for this. All I want at this point is protection from the people who are running the trafficking ring. If not, do your worst because I'm pretty sure their punishment is going to be just as bad if not worse." The one with "Spoons" on the cut laying next to him on the bed said. He looked to be really young and from the wear on his cut, he couldn't have been patched in for very long.

"We just want to know who's running it, where the "storage houses" are and where the auction is being held and when."

"205 Stompers, a street gang slash mafia, are in charge of it and contacted the Prez to pick up women to be taken back to Mexico or shipped overseas for their whore houses. We had the first auction in Lubbock about 3 months ago. We can't tell you where the storage houses will be because we honestly don't know where they are until Scout rides ahead and finds secluded abandoned houses or barns or whatever. That's what they've been using to hold the women. Scout and I were taken together along with 2 of our friends. All we know is that the next auction is in a small town called Newcastle about 20 minutes outside of Oklahoma City and it's supposed to be July 10th." He filled us in.

"Was "Scout" caught when we captured you?" I asked and "Spoons" hooked his thumb over his shoulder "He's in the next cell over. He's lucky that he doesn't have to participate in this bullshit. His job was just to look for safe places to keep them and report back.

Look, neither one of us wanted to be involved with this but they kind of didn't leave us any choice. There were four of us in the beginning of this and we just got caught in the wrong place at the wrong time and were told to join or die. None of us were ready to die so we joined. I've seen these bastards do some really bad stuff and all I want is out.

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