Big Deal should've recruited her

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The customers of a certain restaurant were experiencing either jealousy or severe secondhand embarrassment for the past 30 minutes because a certain couple had been acting as if the world belonged to them alone and the rest was just renting the place. The two of them weren't particularly displaying their affection to each other physically, it was just that the way they interacted with each other was like there were no other people around them. Not to mention how Gimyung kept on teasing her about her awesome flying kick before and Haejin's face would turn beet red as she shoved food into Gimyung's mouth. One moment they were bickering, and the next second they were laughing like teenagers in love. Those who had seen Kim Gimyung in fights would be utterly shocked at how gentle and friendly his face could be. 

"Just eat, Gimyung-ah. Stop talking about what happened," said Haejin as she shoved a spoon of meat into Gimyung's mouth to stop him from talking, feeling quite embarrassed that Gimyung kept on gushing about her flying kick.

Her boyfriend was still laughing even with his mouth full. "But, seriously, noona~"


Gimyung grinned. "Did you learn taekwondo?"

Haejin was busy stuffing her mouth, so she could only nod. 

The boyfriend's eyes grew wide and excited upon hearing that his girlfriend learned martial arts. "Really? Since when?"

"Hmm," she hummed as she put down her chopsticks, recalling some moments of her teenage years. "Ryujin and I learned it since our last year of elementary. We had no one who could protect us all the time, so we thought, we should do something about it." She smiled, but her eyes were somewhat sad.

The thought of Haejin having to live a hard life with just her brother soured his mood in just a second. It would be great if they had met a long time ago so that he could be with her throughout everything she had to go through. Of course, Gimyung understood that he couldn't return to the past, but he couldn't help thinking about it since Haejin had become someone important to him, something that he didn't even realize. And it seemed that Haejin noticed the change in his expression.

"Kim Gimyung," she called him gently.

Gimyung looked up, staring into her obsidian eyes.

"I know what you're thinking, but it's all in the past. Since then, I've met people who became precious to me," she paused and smiled. "And, we've found each other. Isn't all that matters?"

Sometimes, he forgot that his girlfriend is older than him despite calling her noona at any chance he had. He chuckled. "You're right. We're here. That's all that matters."

Haejin smiled in satisfaction. "Good. Now, eat, Gimyung-ah."

They spent the rest of the lunchtime munching their food and talking about themselves and the people around them. It made them feel even closer to each other after sharing more about their lives. There were times Gimyung seemed a bit reluctant and embarrassed while sharing about what he went through before he found Shinwoo, but Haejin made sure he knew that there was nothing he should be ashamed of.

"We all make mistakes, you know. The most important part isn't the mistake you made, but what you decided to do after." Her voice was reassuring and comforting, making Gimyung think that he really had to be even better from now on. "You didn't run away and you haven't made the same mistake till now. Isn't that more important?"

Gimyung nodded, feeling proud that he had found someone willing to take the time to truly understand him despite what he did in the past. "Thank you, Haejin-ah," he said softly as he smiled warmly.

Haejin felt her face warm up, still not used to the way Gimyung said her name like she was the most precious person in the world. She could only smile, afraid that if the opened her mouth, she would say something corny.

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