They realized a thing or two

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"Haejin-ah, you're back," said Ryujin as soon as he saw his sister coming down the stairs with Gimyung. He hugged her like they hadn't met for ages. It seemed that all his tensions were relieved right now when he saw his sister come out in one piece. Other than looking haggard because she hadn't eaten and slept properly for three days, she was quite alright. The most important thing was she was alive. 

The two siblings spent a good few minutes hugging each other until Yeonhee announced that the food was ready. Haejin sat next to Gimyung and Ryujin sat across from his sister. Yeonhee and Shinwoo stayed near the kitchen as the latter helped Yeonhee make some tea. After several days of not eating, Haejin was told to start with porridge first. She obediently ate her food slowly, little by little. Everyone smiled in relief seeing she could still swallow her food and didn't throw up at all.

"How are you feeling, Haejin-ssi?" asked Han Shinwoo after all of them were done eating. 

The few times Shinwoo had met Haejin had him grown fond of her. She had a nice personality and she never looked down on him or anyone in Big Deal despite being a gang. The most important part was that she wasn't afraid of Gimyung whose criminal records were definitely not clean. His little brother had done wrong things to some people although he understood he did it to help him out. It was still heartbreaking to him, so if there was someone who could at least give him a little bit of happiness, he would definitely welcome the person. Gimyung never once complained about his life and the role he had to take all this time. Even when Shinwoo forced him to lead Big Deal when he had to leave, his 'little brother' took it all too well. That time when Gimyung even went to jail because of the lotto case, he didn't involve in most of Big Deal. Only Kyunghoon and Geonwoo had to go with him. He didn't even let Kwon Jitae got involve too far back then. Anyone who had known Gimyung for a long time would understand why he did what he did and wouldn't question him at all. Well, no questions, only worries. 

"I would be lying if I say I'm fine, but I'm definitely better, Shinwoo-ssi." There wasn't a single lie in her answer. She understood that lying would only make her important people worry more than necessary. "Thank you for helping me."

Han Shinwoo smiled at how polite Haejin was to him. "I can see that you're becoming important to our Gimyung. Only a handful of people can stay with him and one of them is you, apparently." He took a sip of the tea Yeonhee made before saying, "So, don't get sick again, alright?" He ended it with his usual smile and wink. 

Kim Haejin's cheeks were flushed red when she heard Shinwoo saying that she was important to Gimyung. She never really thought about how Gimyung felt about her but she at least knew that he did care about her and vice versa. Her mind went back to an hour before when Gimyung hugged her tightly as he assured her that she would be fine. Also, now that Shinwoo said that to her, she began to recall just how well and warm Gimyung had been treating her so far. The days she spent with him before was always fun and interesting. Gimyung wasn't a guy who get all clingy or too demanding. He always let her be herself and Gimyung often joked around as well. Every time she met him, it felt like she could forget her own problems for a while. And after that, she would be a lot stronger to face them. Being with Gimyung made her realize that having someone other than her own brother who had her back and would let her borrow their shoulders in times she was too exhausted to fight for her life, was a good thing. Haejin's hands cupped her own reddened cheeks so that no one else would see her like that when Gimyung put his large hand on her head as he ruffled her hair gently.

"Hyungnim didn't say anything strange to you, right?" he said and seated himself next to Haejin.

Haejin hurriedly shook her head as an answer, but her effort to hide her embarrassment sort of failed. Gimyung noticed how red her cheeks were. In a swift movement, he made Haejin face him. He pulled her hands away from her face with a concerned look. 

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