His everything

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The second he reached the hospital, Gimyung ran out with Haejin in his arms, stormed into the emergency unit, and yelled for help. He was frantic, which wasn't like him, but he couldn't do anything other than waiting there and let the experts do their job. His hands were clenched at his sides, trying to calm himself down. He couldn't just barge in the emergency room and have the security guards drag him out like some lunatic. Then his phone buzzed in his pocket.

Ryujin's name appeared on the screen.

"Gimyung-ssi, how's my sister?" Ryujin asked, his voice was laced with worry.

Gimyung took a deep breath. "She's being treated right now. I'm not sure of how she is now, but I knew her heart's beating and she's breathing." He tried to explain as calm as possible.

He could hear Ryujin sighed on the other side. "Good. I'm on my way there and her team's leader is heading there too."




"She'll get through this. Trust her."

"I trust her, Ryujin-ssi."

Ryujin smiled. "Good. I'll be there soon."

Ryujin hung up.

Even when he was putting his phone back into his pocket, Gimyung never took his eyes off the glass doors where Haejin passed through. He could feel his hands trembled slightly and sighed heavily as he leaned against the pristine white wall. He had been in fights and life and death situations, but this was probably the first time he felt utterly helpless despite all the muscles and fighting experiences he had. He felt so small and helpless in the face of such situation. A mix of fear and relief began to overwhelm his mind, not knowing which one he should feel right now. The thought of not reaching Haejin in time frightened him too much that he couldn't think straight. Then in the next few seconds, it was rage that filled him. That kidnapper's voice kept on haunting his mind, fueling his anger even more.

If there were words to describe his feelings, which he wasn't sure there were, it might be easier for him to figure out what he should be doing about now. He wanted to catch and kill the kidnapper, but frustratingly, he didn't have a single lead as to where to find her. Surely, he could just wait until the police did their work, but he never knew waiting could be this excruciating that he couldn't even sit down. When he was waiting anxiously, someone tapped his shouder.

"Hey, any news on her?" Ryujin asked. His face was clearly filled with worry, yet his voice was surprisingly calm.

Gimyung shook his head. "I heard bits and pieces when they pushed her through that damn door. It seemed she was drugged. Probably a large dose of whatever it was." His hands clenched into fists when he remembered how Haejin was so cold in his arms, and she wouldn't answer him no matter how many times he called her name in the car on the way to the hospital.

Ryujin looked calm though from the way he talked, Gimyung could still catch hints of worries in his voice. It would be strange if he wasn't worried at all when it was his very own twin sister, who was rushed to the hospital, was in a bad condition like that. Every time there was a doctor or a nurse coming out of the emergency care door, both of them would stand properly as if they were ready to rush in to wherever Haejin was. Too bad, it took more than an hour of waiting restlessly to finally hear a nurse looking for Haejin's guardian. The moment they heard that Haejin was, at last, in a rather stable condition, they both felt like their legs turned into jellies. Though, she still had to stay in the ICU for further observation. At least, they knew she was still alive.

It was in the evening when Sinwoo came and brought them some food. He was worried when Gimyung left in a rush, borrowing his car when the guy never even thought of driving around much. Sinwoo thought Gimyung would never let himself be amazingly into someone like this, not to mention the girl was someone he met not too long ago. The current leader of Big Deal was always ignorant when it came to romantic relationship. Even when Gimyung was being friendly to girls, he was simply being nice and polite to them. He never played with them or anything that he was rather worried that his little brother would never be with anyone and only focus on protecting Big Deal and their street. Now, there he was, kept on shifting between sitting and standing in front of the ICU. Perhaps, what made him more worried than when Sinwoo was in Ilhae was the fact that he couldn't just charge ahead and use his fists as he usually did. This was the first time he saw Kim Gimyung didn't know what to do to help his significant someone. Somehow, it made Sinwoo smile. His little brother had found someone who was probably would become more important than Sinwoo was to Gimyung.

"Gimyung-ah," Sinwoo called the pacing Gimyung.

Big Deal's No. 1 stopped pacing and looked at his hyung helplessly. "Hyung-nim." Even his voice wasn't as firm as usual.

"How is Haejin-ssi?"

Gimyung stared at the ICU door again. "She's better, but not completely safe. They need to see if she would stay stable the entire night before moving her to regular ward," he explained without looking away from the automatic door.

"She'll be fine, then."

"How would you know?"

"Don't you know her by know, Gimyung-ah? Didn't she hold out until you came for her?"

"She did, but, hyung--"

Sinwoo smiled and patted Gimyung's shoulder. "She stayed alive just to see you again. To see those who are important to her. She'll open her eyes in the morning."

"He is right, Gimyung-ssi," said Ryujin who just came back from calling Haejin's team leader. "My sister wouldn't want to see you like this when she wakes up. After all, she did come back for us, and trust me, once she holds on, she'll never let go. She'll be fine." His words gave Gimyung a sense of assurance, making his anxiety and restlessness tone down a little.

Still, he clenched his fists, trying to erase his terrible thoughts, but to no avail. "The thought of not seeing her again was terrifying." Gimyung took a deep breath, "And the fact that there was nothing I could do to stop it was even worse."

Just when Sinwoo and Ryujin were about to say something else to soothe the worried Gimyung, a nurse came out of the ICU. She was looking around and stopped when she spotted Ryujin and Gimyung nearby. The nurse jogged toward them.

"Patient Kim Haejin is awake and she is stable," said she with a reassuring smile.

Gimyung felt like his legs lost their power a bit that he slid slightly against the wall behind him.

"She asked to see Kim Gimyung-ssi," the nurse continued.

Ryujin smiled at Gimyung, tapping his shoulder. "Go and see her. She must know that you need to confirm how alive she is, Gimyung-ssi," he continued with a chuckle at the end.

Gimyung felt like it wasn't right for him to see her first, and it seemed that Ryujin understood the look in his face. He smiled. "It's alright. I can always see her after. Go. Don't make her wait too long."

And so, Gimyung nodded and walked away with the nurse to where his lover was.

Han Sinwoo smiled at the disappearing figure of his little brother. "It seems he has found his everything."

Ryujin followed Sinwoo's eyes. "I think you're still his everything," he uttered, as if he noticed something.

Sinwoo looked at the twin brother of Haejin. He laughed warmly. "It will lessen. Her existence will grow more in his life." Then he fully turned to Ryujin, reached out his hand. "I'm Han Sinwoo. Gimyung's hyung."

Ryujin took the hand and shook it as he smiled back. "I'm Kim Ryujin. Gimyung-ssi's possible brothe-in-law."

Both of them laughed thinking about how Gimyung and Haejin would say if they heard them.

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