The Woman with the Red Umbrella

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Kim Gimyung devoured his ramyeon as he listened to his brothers fooling around as they ate. Their laughter filled the room, giving him a sense of warmth in the cold season. When he finished his food, he walked out, saying he wanted to have a smoke. Gimyung stood not too far from the restaurant they were at, leaning against the damp wall as he lit his cigarette. He started smoking in peace and listened to the sound of the rain that night. It was cold even when he was wearing his signature black Big Deal coat. His thoughts roamed back to the past few weeks when he fought with all his might to get their Sinwoo-hyungnim back. A smile appeared on his usually cold face knowing his Hyung had finally returned to them. They were almost complete. Almost.

He sighed at the thought of how much Seo Seongeun had changed after he left Big Deal to join Ilhae. It seemed that the guy really wanted to climb to the top no matter what. He knew Seongeun couldn't be stopped, so tonight he decided to set the thought aside. After all, he finally could eat in peace without having to worry about earning 5 billion won to get Han Sinwoo back. His brothers were there. That was more than enough for him. The cigarette between his fingers was almost out when he noticed a figure walking in the rain.

The night was cold and the person under the red umbrella wasn't even wearing a jacket. He thought that person must have lost their mind walking around like that. It was none of his business, but he couldn't help but kept following the person. Soon, he realized it was a young woman. He'd never seen a woman walking alone in their street at this hour knowing the reputation of their area wasn't exactly good. People knew Gangseo was under the jurisdiction of Big Deal, especially on the street they lived in. And now, a woman walking around there alone? What was she thinking?

Gimyung's eyes kept following her until the woman eventually stopped walking. It seemed that she noticed she was being stared at. She peeked from under her umbrella to see who was looking at her. Their gaze met and Gimyung was quite surprised to see her looking straight at him. He knew he looked somewhat scary, especially when he didn't smile at all. Well, he was a gangster and he had two obvious scars on his face to boot thanks to all the fights he had.

The woman slightly nodded at him and he unconsciously nodded in return. She's really polite, isn't she? he thought. Not many people would even bother looking at him since he usually looked rather scary with his tall built and surrounded by equally scary faces. The woman was about to continue walking when the rain suddenly started to pour even harder. Her clothes were soaked as well as her long curly black hair. Gimyung was somehow annoyed by the sight, cursing in his mind about how the woman's clothes were fairly thin in such bad weather.

The cigarette butt was thrown away and his feet moved fast towards the woman. In a few seconds, they were already standing in front of each other. He took off his black coat and put it on the woman. His sudden action startled the woman. She looked at him, her face was confused. Gimyung sighed at her reaction.

"Wear it. What were you thinking wearing just a t-shirt in the cold?" his voice was harsh, far from gentle. "Are you crazy?"

"Thank you," she said. "But you don't have to do this," she continued and tried to take his coat off her shoulders.

Gimyung grew annoyed at her. "Do you realize your t-shirt is see-through now?"

She looked down and pulled his jacket to cover her wet t-shirt, but her umbrella fell off her hands. Her face was slightly red now.

Gimyung quickly grabbed the fallen umbrella and put it over her. "Where are you going?" he asked, trying not to be annoyed.

"I don't know."

Gimyung raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"I don't know," she repeated.

"I know. I heard you." Gimyung took a deep breath and said, "Are you running away from home or something?"

The woman shook her head. "I just want to walk around and don't want to go home yet."

It was good that she didn't run away or anything. It would be troublesome if she were or if she were in some kind of trouble. He'd had his fill of troublesome things and he had no plan of having more.

"What about now? You're soaked, so I think your walk is over." It wasn't a suggestion since it sounded like an order instead. When the woman didn't answer him, he said, "Wear that properly, I'll walk you to the main street."

The woman wore his jacket properly and reached out her hand. "

Gimyung stared at her hand. "You're asking for money?"

The woman looked at her own hand and shook her head. "The umbrella. I can walk there myself."

The current leader of Big Deal contemplated for a moment. He didn't give her her umbrella back, instead, he said, "I'll walk you there and call you a taxi."

The woman frowned at his response. "You don't have to. Really."

"I have a feeling you won't go home if I don't go with you."

"But you're soaked too. You should go too. I promise I'll go home," she said after checking the man in white dress shirt from head to toe. He was soaked entirely. Her eyes stopped at the shadow of what seemed like tattoos on the both sides of his chest, but she said nothing about it.

There was another sigh from Gimyung. "If you don't want me to get even more soaked, then you'd better listen to me and start walking."

Knowing the man would probably not going to change his mind, she decided to go along. "Thank you."

The two of them walked next to each other. The woman wanted to tell him to get under the umbrella too but didn't say anything when she saw Gimyung's cold face. He might not listen to me again she thought and kept walking. When they reached the main street, Gimyung hailed a taxi and told her to get in. He held the car door until she told the driver her address, making sure she was definitely going home. Gimyung was about to close the car door when she asked for his name.

"Kim Gimyung," he answered nonchalantly.

The woman smiled. "I'm Kim Haejin. I'll give back your coat after washing it."

"No need."

"Of course I do. And please keep the umbrella." She closed the car door, opened the window, and said thank you with another warm smile.

Gimyung stood there still holding the umbrella until the taxi disappeared from his sight.

"What a strange woman," he whispered and walked back to his 'home'.

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