Chapter 5-Another Play Fight?

Start from the beginning

"Number 1, Only allowed to play in the Kitchen, living room or hallway. Not the bedrooms or upstairs because it's a lot of effort to run up them." Harry said, as he loaded up his Nerf Gun.

"Number 2, Your 10 seconds to run, starts now." Harry admired his gun, as Niall started slowly walking away.

"And Number 3, Don't hit a man's private parts with this because it kills like a gun shot!" Harry warned.

Niall smirked, thinking of the best thing to do. So he got his Nerf Gun and shot it at Harry's balls, as in private part. Harry dropped his gun and fell to his knees, holding that 'area'

Niall laughed, as Harry started groaning and saying incoherent words. Niall's laughter died down when he knew he should ask if Harry was okay, but if he did he knew he would be in deep trouble. Niall felt bad for doing this too Harry, he didn't mean to hurt him that bad!

Harry got up and chuckled a bit, making sure he stretched everything for it to get better, "You better run because you're gonna get it!" Harry smirked, he wasn't angry at Niall because he knew Niall would've done something like that. Harry knew that Niall didn't always go by the rules.

Niall's eyes went wide and shrieked, running away from the curly head boy. Niall ran to the living room, jumping over the couch and hiding behind it. He peeked over every second to look at the door. 

"Oh Niiiaaaaaaaalllll! Where are yoooooou!?" Harry singed, opening the living room door. He instantly found the blonde hair poking up from behind the couch, "Oh, there you are!" 

Niall shrieked again and ran away, shooting his Nerf Gun. Harry made sure he dodged the foam bullets.

Run! Run! Run! Was all that was running through Niall's head as he ran down the hallway. He heard the patter of Harry's footsteps running after him. 

Harry shot his Nerf Gun but only to miss Niall, "Dammit!" He muttered. Niall felt the foam bullet fly past him and hit the front door. 

"Shit!" Niall cursed, running through an entrance which turned out to be the living room again. Niall had no where else to hide, he couldn't find anything. 

Harry found Niall in the living room, looking like a lost child, "Well, well, well. Look who he have here, hey?" Harry laughed.

Niall saw Harry's green eyes, they turned a dark green as in he had a plan for revenge. Niall didn't like this Harry but he had to admit he did look hot. 

Harry raised his gun and so did Niall. That's when all those foam bullets were flying everywhere, hitting walls, furniture and also themselves.

"That's it!" Harry yelled, he lunged over the coffee table and fell over on top of Niall. Niall landed on the ground with an 'oomph' seeing the curly head boy on top of him and looking down on him. 

They stared at each other for a while, not worrying about Nerf Gun fight anymore, they just stared into each other's eyes, getting lost in them. Someone had to make the first move which was Harry who started leaning in. Niall's breathing hitched but it was silent so Harry couldn't hear.

This is what Niall and Harry have been waiting for. No disturbance, no one ruining the moment. Their lips were inches apart, they could feel each other's breathe on their lips. 

And that's when Niall went for it. He leaned up and captured Harry's lips. Their lips moulded together and moved in sync. This is what they've always wanted. 

They saw fireworks, felt the sparks running through their bodies. Their lips were the perfect match, it was like this kiss was always meant to be. 

There was no tongue added, just lips moulding and moving together.. Harry's hands traced circles on Niall's hips, as Niall's fingers tangled in Harry's curls.

This kiss went for quite a while, until the door slammed shut and someone calling, "Honeys, we're home!" 

Niall and Harry quickly pulled away from their special kiss and got up from the ground, making sure they flattened out their clothes. 

The three boys walked into the living room, "You had a Nerf Gun fight without us!?" Zayn shrieked, looking around at all the foam bullets laying on the floor.

Niall scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, Harry coughed, "Uh.... Sorry boys," 

Liam knew what was going on with these two, he knew they kissed. Liam saw how awkward it was getting and broke it, "It's alright, as long as you two had fun?" 

Niall saw Liam's smirked and blushed, trying to hide it, "It's almost 9pm, why don't we just all go to bed and we'll clean all of this mess tomorrow, okay?" Liam ordered, gesturing the boys to go upstairs. The boys did as they were told.

Liam turned off all the lights and got upstairs as well getting ready for bed.

Niall and Harry still had the kiss going through their mind. Niall touched his lips as if he still felt Harry's warm, soft lips on his, Harry did the exact same thing. They were surprised at quick the day went by and of course, they never checked  the time during their fight.

They both fell asleep, still picturing this kiss that they shared.


Harry was woken up by a lot of yelling. He looked over at the clock seeing, it was 12:30am, what were the boys doing up this early? He wondered as he got up from the bed, putting sweats on.

Harry walked out his bedroom door, hearing the yells engulf his ears. 

"What are we going to do!?" Huh..?

"We can't just leave him here like this!?" Is this about one of the boys..?

"He's having a seizure!" Seizure...what?

"Lou, call the Ambulance!" Ambulance? Oh god this must be bad!

"I'm on it!" 

Louis came running up the hallway and Harry stopped him, this was going to be the first time they actually talked since their fight.

"Lou! What's happening!?" Harry asked, watching as Louis tried to catch his breath from the running.

"Ni-Niall's having a Epileptic Seizure!" Louis screamed, as tears blurred his eyes. 


 I left you guys with a little cliffhanger. I don't know if it is..but..

What do you think's going to happen to Niall? What do you think Harry is going to do? Comment below! x

And I gave you a Narry Nerf Gun fight. A Narry Kiss. What do you think?

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