Chapter 4 - Decisions. Decisions

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Star gives herself a guilty punch in the stomach before running over to Marco's room - now empty of everything Marco - as she kicks the door down revealing the vortex, still active.

"SUPER VORTEX SHUTDOWN SPELL!" She yells as a beam of light emanates from her wand to the black hole, it slowly begins to close, but not before Star wails out one last spell.

"BLACK HOLE BARF OUT." The name of it makes her feel sick, but nonetheless, the vortex carried out what the spell commanded, and spat out all of Marco's belongings in a pile before shrinking enough to become invisible. Star quickly presses up all of Marco's stuff back to how they were prior, at least how much she could remember it; although all his stuff was all shrivelled and torn from the vortex's rage, it was nothing to worry about as she could just fix it up later! Right now she needed to go get Marco ASAP.

Before she ran out into the human world alone, Star pauses at her door, having second thoughts and ultimately decides to think maturely for once in her life about what she was actually going to do. She ran to her bed and laid there. "Just go run out into the human city? That's crazy!" Star thinks to herself, conflict in her thoughts. "There could be some bad people out there, not everyone could be as nice and welcoming as Marco's family, but then again, not everyone could also be so focused on personal space and random princesses barging in their lives like Marco was..." She sighs, "What to do... What to do..."

Now posed up from her mattress, Star scans her room in defeat, trying to think of some kind of plan for her next family to move in with. She glances over to the stairs and spots her chest of luggage eyeing her through the doorway. "Glossaryck!" She remembers.

Star rushes over to the chest and quickly pulls it into her room, shutting the door. "Where are you- Ah!" She speaks to herself, rummaging through her luggage desperately, before getting the feeling of old worn padding and plastic sticky notes. Star grunts as she sluggishly lifts her Spellbook out of the dumpster fire, before falling back and landing on the ground, with the heavy Spellbook landing on her face, she lets out a small, "Oof"

Getting up in embarrassment, Star drops the large book on her bed before jumping back on it and slowly opening the contents, every spell from every Mewiman queen before her wrote down details in this book. "Mega Narwhal Blast" and "Rainbow Fist Punch" were her two favourites.

Shaking her head trying not to get side tracked, Star calls out to her tiny blue friend, "Glossaryck?!"

A poof of purple mist appears by her as her friend emerges from it, "Hello princess!" Glossaryck notes. "What do you need from me?"

Star frowns, "I'm not sure about what to do..." She pauses, "About where to live, I'm kinda screwing up my roommate's life and I feel like a burden."

"Maybe I'm not cut out for Earth..."

"What makes you say that?" Glossaryck questions.

"Ugh, listen Glossaryck! What haven't I done today that hasn't disrupted the people around me?" Star continues in an angry yet whimpering voice, "...I got a student kidnapped by a monster I transformed, I created some puppies from the magic that blasted Mr. Diaz's eyes, I made Marco's room a mess AND got him to run off because of what I did, if he wants me gone then I'm not helping in any way by ignoring him. Even if he probably wasn't completely serious about the whole 'I'm moving out' thing, I still feel really bad and just think I should go back home..."

Glossaryck pauses for a second before speaking, "Well, go for it"

"Wah?" Star turns her head, confused he didn't try to comfort her.

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