Chapter 23 - Wo'er

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I had to stop. I had to avoid getting invested in whatever situation was happening in Hogwarts. Leave it to the Golden Trio, they'll do the work. Use the time to study. But when Hermione Granger was petrified, of course the remaining two crawled back to me.

"A student died in the bathrooms in Tom's year. I think it's Mittle. Go bother her or something," I said, scribbling down notes on a piece of parchment. I shouldn't have procrastinated doing this Transfiguration research project. "You mean Myrtle?" Harry asked.


"Also Tom? Why do you call him that?"

"Cos that's his name, why else?"

"Nothing, just seems awfully familar for someone you've only interacted with once through a book."

Not to brag, Harry, but I know practically everything about that dude's early school years. He appeared in my dreams.

"After you slay whatever beast is living in the Chamber, I want 40 percent of all credit, just saying."

"We don't even know what's down there,"

"If the Slytherin's are keeping on brand, probably a fat snake with a unicorn horn or something, now please go," I needed to get this assignment done. Reluctantly, Harry left the Library. I might have been a bitch to him but at least I'd get my work done in time.


"Y/n, pleeaaasssse," Malfoy begged, tugging on my sleeve yet again. Who knew the Draco Malfoy would be so clingy? "I didn't even realise you were in the quidditch team until recently, AND the games are cancelled. Why even bother? So no, I wil not come and watch you practise." I grumbled, trying to scrub off a stubborn stain on the window. Professor Binns had given this out as a punishment to whomever didn't bring their assignment to class on time. It was out of character for him, so at least half the class was stuck in the musty classroom together, and even less of us were actually cleaning. I don't think they realised that none of us would get out of this room until the area was spotless. And I had stuff to do. The stuff meaning finishing off the last of the sweets I had received on Valentine's and avoiding Harry at all costs. He was starting to get irritating. And Malfoy was even more annoying whenever Harry showed up around me, and I couldn't escape both of them at once. And I liked Malfoy better.

Not that I'd ever tell him that personally.

"Ey, Draco!" Blaise shouted from outside the door. Unlike me, Malfoy and Blaise had already handed their
assignments in before the due date. How. Funny. "It's tiiiiime!" He shouted, glancing quickly in my direction before disappearing behind the door frame. Malfoy grinned, almost wickedly. What on earth was he up to?

"Think about it!" Malfoy urged one last time, before practically skipping out the room. Why was he so happy? I shrugged, and resumed the violent scrubbing of the window pane. Professor Binns had banned the use of magic, and had floated through the ceiling in a huff. I guessed he was stressed from the Chamber of Secrets also, seeing as it affected ghosts almost as much as it did humans.

"'re Malfoy's little bitch now, hey?"

"Hello, Pansy,"

Pansy chuckled, as if I had said something amusing to her, and snapped her fingers. Nothing happened. Still, she grinned, replicating the Grinch's twisted smile perfectly.

"What happened to the whole 'I'm a quirky, special girl with no one who understands me' thing? The 'I'm the main character, I don't need friends' energy?"

"Just wanna say, if I'm about to be mauled by you and your gang of seagulls then I really am the main character,"

"Not the point,"


"I thought you were a lone wolf,"

"I thought you paid your friends to hang out with you,"

"At least I'm not a ass who can't commit to anything, like a personality, for one,"

"At least I don't steal other people's personalities,"

"At least I'm not an adopted failure,"

"At least I don't crave male validation,"

"Funny coming from a whore like you,"

"Funny coming from a-"


Ah, I see. The whole conversation was a distraction for Millicent Bulstrode and Tracy Davis to float an entire bucket of dirty soap water above my head, and then tip it. How original and upsetting this situation was. If only I had something that could dry me off in an instant, like a magic power or something. Whilst Pamsy and her two friends rolled around the floor in hysterics, I reached down to my bag (which was lying on a nearby desk) to- to...hold on, where had my wand gone? Pansy noticed me fumbling around, and her grin stretched wider. "Don't bother looking for your wand, Mudblood. I got Daphne to run it quickly up to the owlery- she's going to stick it straight into a pile of shit, I reckon." She cackled once again, and left the room. The rest of the class snickered, and went back to whatever they were doing, pulling faces at me as I walked past to leave the classroom.

Did I really have to walk all the way to the Owlery to get my wand back?


I couldn't hear the end of it the next morning.



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