Chapter 13

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"Sorry, Sirius had to talk to Rowena and give her back her crown. So it is still your decision in being the DADA professor."

"I want to help more and mend for the time I wasn't there for you. I want to and besides, the profession is in my alley." We laugh and I nod. A room is ready for him and the student's schedules get updates on who the professor is. 

"Alright professor, your class awaits." Sirius walks over and pulls me in a hug which I accept wholeheartedly.

"Be good pup."

"I will and oh forgot to mention, your partner already started class without you." Sirius's eyes widen in shock and he runs out like his tail was on fire. I chuckle and know the reaction he will have upon seeing the werewolf.

I look at the office that I need to change. I remove the globe on the side and a few other things. I get rid of the two staircases leading up. I get rid of the balcony and replace it with a bookshelf. Just like with the portraits swinging open for the common room, I do the same with that bookshelf. When I open the bookshelf, I have a single staircase I ascend to a room that was Dumbledore's bed and knick-knacks. Scrapping all that and making it a living room with a fireplace and more bookshelves.

Another singular staircase leads up to Dumbledore's unused balcony. The room is changed by being expanded and includes a bed, more bookshelves, a desk to work privately, an area for potions, and another small living room for me to rest. I was a walk-in closet expanded thanks to magic and a bathroom I only changed the color and decor.

"Harry!" The one perk of the room, I allowed people to apparate; including myself. Appearing in my seat behind the desk, I smile at the twins and allow two chairs to appear for them to sit.

"Hey guys, how is Hogwarts so far?"

"Great. You changed a lot and we are so excited!"

"that is amazing. There is a good reason why you are here." I place a small gold and red chest of gold galleons for them. "You are allowed and will have the license to open your own joke shop."

"No way! Really?!"

"You two deserve it. I have seen how you two bring happiness to the wizarding world and i wanted to make it official. The shop is already made all it needs is your sense of style."

The twin's grins never leave their faces and they squeeze me in a hug. I chuckle and pat their arms.

"Thank you so much, Harry!" I nod and the two apparate to Diagon Alley with their chest of gold. 

Tom comes in through the fireplace. I smile at him and stand heading to the window. He wraps his arms around me and i lay my hand on one. Looking down at the Quidditch field i see the first years training to ride a broom. 

"This castle is turning out better than ever."

"I am aware of that. I wanted to ask you if you have ever come across a spell to make the founders into ghosts instead of sticking to portraits."

"What brought this on?"

"Rowena Ravenclaw wishes for her founder friends to join her floating around. I see her point and i did say i will try. Just need to find out how."

"Maybe ask one of the founders. They probably know." Tom mutters against my neck. Tendrils of pleasure wiggle down my body.

"Tom not here or now." He groans and tightens his arms around my waist.

"Please, I missed you today."

"I know that but I have work to do and so do you. Tonight at home we can but not here. How is the death eater training?"

"Very few are exceptional but those that did not make it, I said it was fine. As long as they behave at school." I chuckle and look over the horizon of the dark forest. I kept the law that no student under the second year can go in there. It is still dark and dangerous. I don't want the children getting hurt. "What is on your mind? There is something brewing in there. What is it?"

"One day do you want to have children?" Tom freezes behind me and I know he is shocked. That is why I just blurted it out. Even I was unsure how to say it without freaking him out. Better say it now or never.

"What brought this on and is it even possible." He returns to mumble against my skin. I feel blood rush downwards and it is taking more self-control not to bang him right now.

"It is. We are mates and magic can do anything." I turn and look at him. I watch him look around thinking and I feel his insecurities. "Hey, I said one day not right away. You have time to think about it."

"I know, just... I never thought of having a family. Do you want one?"

"Of course I do, but only with you." His worried eyes soften and a smile lifts on his face. 

"You are a romantic." Love fills his gaze and I feel mine fill with lust. God, the things I want to do right now with him but can't.

"And you are mine." Pulling his robe, our lips smack together and I don't let go until we needed to breathe. 

"I am yours," Tom whispers breathlessly pulling a smirk on my face.

"Glad we both cleared that out. Now, you have work to do." He pouts, walks back to the fireplace, and heads back to the ministry. I sigh smiling and head to the hospital wing to see Poppy.

"Harry, you sure have done wonders." The wing is the same since I did not find anything that needed to change.

"I have and you did say I can return when Dumbledore is dead and so here I am. How does it look?" She walks over and presses the tip of her wand to my heart. Her expression of concentration turns to worry. "What is it?"

"Your heart..." I nod for her to continue. " is disappearing."

My eyes widen in disbelief. What!? Stepping back, I stare at Poppy while the world begins to turn hazy. I hear her incant a spell before the world turned black. My heart is what!?

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