Chapter 9

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A graveyard? The graveyard!!! I stand up pushing the pain thorbbing in my skull from the lightning scar and look at Cedric. He has his back turned to me giving me the perfect opportunity. Pointing my wand at him, I knock him unconscious at the same moment the killing curse flies past him. Going over to him, I slip in a potion to slow down his heartbeat and make his skin tun corpse pale white.

Turning over to the sniveling rat, I stand and block the spell he shot. I walk over and he whimpers clutching onto the bundle in his arms. The aching in my stone-cold heart detects who is wrapped up and is being clutched on. Tom.

"This wasn't part of the plan." He whimpered his back on the stone.

"No, it wasn't. Give him to me." Removing my glamour Wormtail cries and hands over the figure.

"Harry!" I bend down and take the vial of the potion I worked on. It took the entire year for it to be made.

"Drink this." He has no choice but to drink in his skeletal figure.

Placing him down on the grass, I stepped back as cracks and popping of bones and joints fill the silence. Tom rolls left to right, groaning as his body stretches, skin appears on his bones and muscles. the old skin peels off and fresh new rejuvenated skin appears. I turn to see his soul pieces flying over from where they were and disappearing in his body. Red eyes stare at me before they fade to the green they used to have. Hair grows on his scalp and curls in its natural form. A black cloak appears on his body to hide his nudity but I still caught his size. Man, he is big.

"I...I am seventeen again?" His voice isn't croaking and regained its allure. His green eyes turn to look at me. "Potter?"

"There is a lot you have been missing on the information. One thing you should know is I am no longer part of the light. I too have been transformed."

"Creature inheritance. Severus mentioned it." I nod and he stares at me with an unreadable expression.

"You are my mate, Tom. I have seen what the real world has done in order for me to be good. Stealing from my vaults, blocking my magic, keeping me from being who I am meant to be...let's just say I am not happy." My red eyes glow in rage.

"What do you intend to do?"

"First, transport Cedric with a note saying you have risen. I will then bring the three of us to your manor to talk some more." Tom only stares at me waiting for him to speak.

"You have changed, Potter." He smirks back to his old self. "I like it."

smirking back at him, I use a magic quill to write down the message. Attach it to Cedric's chest and levitate the cup on him. A pop and he is gone to be the champion.

Looking back at Tom, we stay standing and stare at each other. I never really focused so much on his physical features till now. Tall and lean with the black cloak complimenting his dark side. Pale fair skin with green forest eyes. The cold stone in my chest begins to crack, ready to shatter and turn back into a beating warm heart. I am unsure how Tom will do that since he cannot love. 

I blink when my fingers brush against mine. I didn't see him move and now that he is close, I feel it. the small thin bond between us grows stronger in our proximity. The thought of all the fighting we have done in the past, being in peace right now seems like an aberration. A dream I might wake up from any second.

"What do they call you now?" Tom whispers looking down slightly but not much.

"Hadrian Black." He smirks and chuckles slightly. His left-hand raises and his fingers push some of my bangs back.

"It fits you." Clearing my throat, I back away a step and glance at the coward.

"Let us get out of here." My tail extends and wraps around Pettigrew. Grabbing Tom's wrist, we disappear and appear in Tom Riddle's Manor.

I close my eyes when the fake minister sends me images of what is happening back at Hogwarts. I didn't expect the images to grow and for my body to fall. Two arms catch me before my mind expands and I appear as a shadow at Hogwarts.

"Mr. Diggory, what has happened? Where is Harry?" Cedric stands from his knocked-out state. Dumbledore grabs the note and reads it.

"What is it, Albus?" Fake Minister asks.

"Harry has disappeared and Tom Riddle is back." I gladly let the smirk appear on my face.

"Nonsense. Attention, please! Cedric Diggory is the Hogwarts champion!" The crowd cheers.

The fake minister leans toward Mad eye Moody and the two walk off. Fake Hermione exits the stands and follows them. I too follow them into the DADA classroom. Using a strong shield and silence charm, I emerge as a ghost.

"Master." they bow their heads.

"Time to go home." Mad-Eye walks over and grabs my hand. Fake Hermione disappears while Fake minister disappears and appears back in his office.

I wake up and lift my head to see mad eye standing in the room. Tom jumps up from his chair near the bed I am lying on. Mad eye reverts back to his true form being Bart Junior. He exits without saying a word and Tom turns to look at me.

"You going to tell me what is going on?" He demands, narrowing his eyes at me.

"I now have all the time in the world so yes. Sit back down at least." He sits as I sit up and swing my legs over to the bedside. Facing each other, I begin telling him about finding out my creature inheritance, meeting with Sirius, learning all the magic necessary for my level of magic, and tricking a lot of people to think I had nothing to do with killing my muggle relatives. 

"Wow. that is a lot." He leans back weaving his fingers together.

Smirking, I lean over him and peck his cheek. He looks up at me and I wink before claiming his lips.

"Time for a change of our future."

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