Ch17- A dagger or a tree branch? A glove or a divine item?

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A/N: I seem to have a bit of change in my writing style yet again.





   Moving in a hurry, Cale and the party didn't know that they had just narrowly missed the arrival of a certain zealot and his brainless brainwashed followers. Perhaps, missing him by a narrow bargain was a blessing for them, especially for Cale's mental health.

   A pair of green eyes stared at the vivid marks as if lightning bolts hit them, charring the nearby buildings and trees.

   A smile slowly painted itself on his handsome face, though it didn't make him look more handsome or elegant but, crazy instead; it was not a smile that looks nice, it was a twisted smile that revealed the owner's nature.

   "...Cale-nim was here"

   He mutters, elated. Somehow, those green eyes shone even more. One would even wonder if those eyes can shine in the dark like a beast after seeing those scarily bright eyes.

   A blessing. It was truly a blessing that Cale's intention to get away from the location where an unknown magic circle event took place saved him from a certain lunatic. If Cale were to see Clopeh right now, he would be filled with goosebumps. Cale was saved from his unhesitating decision. He might even proudly declare that it was the best decision he had ever made.

   It was not that Cale doesn't value the white hair pope wannabe, but that he was very troublesome to handle. Who would like a person who hails at them every time they see each other? Anyway, not him.

   Despite his apparent dislike for Clopeh, Cale was very clear and rational to the point of understanding that Clopeh, even after losing his limbs still has some use.

   Clopeh was indeed a proud member of Sekka households and behave like a snake. He didn't hesitate to betray the northern kingdoms to save his own life. He was obsessed with legends and he still is. Yet, it was that betrayal that saved and made the ice-cold lands better than before.

   Yes, everything above was true. Clopeh only followed Cale with the intent to save his own life at first. But, that slowly changed. Little by little, Clopeh saw through his god's real goal and he was filled with a huge amount of admiration and respect for someone for the first time. Clopeh wants- no, needs to record everything about his god for the later generations, so that they could see his greatness. Cale making his dream come true with the battles of letting him fight against the vile White Star's gross little party, made him even more devoted to his god. And then, he understood; that he still could pursue his dream of becoming a legend with his small and humble feat getting a page in the long epic, legend, gold, and unmatched magnificence piece of his god.

   Clopeh was a man of great intelligence and cold-blooded like a real snake, most importantly, he was a zealot.

   Cale, having no idea why he was having a sudden chill rubbed his hands over his arms.

   "Are you cold?"

   "Do you want the jacket, Cale-nim?"

   Cale's usual voice was heard, "No, you should just wear it yourself"

   A tall young man seemingly in his 20s dropped his head sadly and his imaginary wagging tail stopped.

   Feeling guilt clenching his heart and aching from the overlapping frame of another person who was like a puppy waiting for his master's orders and had an imaginary tail and ears as well, Cale's voice took the space once again.

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