Ch7- During the time,...

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It seems that others had worked hard to buy a big mansion that can house at least 15 people during the four months.

All of them, fortunately, landed in Seoul. It is not sure whether the Sealed God was doing it purposely or not. Or maybe, there's something wrong with Seoul. Like, the apocalypse will start here or something.

He was very suspicious of the Sealed God. If it's to collect despairs, he should have scattered them to random places to separate them. Not making them, unit, stay together for them to be able to fight against enemies.

Or, is it because he has little strength left?

Or, there is another factor they haven't considered and it's interfering with their judgment.

Cale's eyes narrowed. There're many possibilities.

It's been a week since he has been discharged from the hospital. Others didn't let him do anything and make him stay at their home.

And, he's very happy with their decision. Even wanted to encourage them in such behaviors. Now, he's just slacking off and doing nothing. Just eat, sleep, read, and breathe. Ah, one more thing, he was also forced to exercise. But he bargained and now, he only has to exercise three days a week and only in the morning. He's truly getting his desired slacker life except for the exercise and the noises he missed a bit.

And they made a rule that at least one of them is to be with Cale all the time. He was puzzled why they made such a rule. It is not like he's going anywhere or making trouble.

But, he compromised after seeing their expressions.

Today is Beacrox's turn. He is cleaning Cale's room while Cale is reading while occasionally taking bites of desserts and tea Beacrox made.

'Why is it still lemon tea?' Cale's face scrunched but he obediently drank it.

Then, the black book, which he put into his pocket in the morning for the what-ifs, heats up.

He hurriedly put down the teacup that it made a 'clang' sound and took out the divine item.

Becorx with keen ears heard the noise and looked back at Cale. After seeing Cale taking out a black book, he immediately stopped what he was doing and approached him.

By the way, secretly sent a message to the group created solely for Cale.

<The method to kill death>

A familiar cover with a familiar color scheme appeared in front of Cale again.

<Cale, the world you are in, the apocalypse will come in between 6 months to a year>

<That apocalypse is different from the apocalypses you have experienced until now>

<We paid a price to connect you>

<That world is very far away from us>

<We can only connect you again after the apocalypse start>

<This time, you don't have to shoulder the apocalypse alone. There are variables and exceptions in that world>

<All of your group members' power will slowly come back when the apocalypse comes>

<By the way, one year there is one month here>

<Good luck, Cale>

"Hah, that damn God of Death!"

Although he knows it is not the fault of God of Death this time, he can't help but curse at him. Habit probably.

Beacrox didn't even flinch after hearing Cale swear. As a member of Cale's simps group, he thinks Cale is always right and doesn't object to anything he says. So, like every time, he helped Cale swear God of Death in his mind as well.

Is Slacker life-chan Cale-nim's fiance? No, it's workaholic-chanWhere stories live. Discover now