Mario: well, that was surprising, hearing girlfriends voice dishing dirt about sky, anyways, speaking of sky, let's talk about her little sister, ski, ski has been doing alright and taken on the sport of skiing.

(*meanwhile with ski*)

(*ski was skiing in a race*)

Sky: yeah, go ski, you can win this sis!

(*a blue ball person bumps ski spinning her*)

??????: out of the way you blue haired chibi freak, this race is mine!

Ski: oh no it ain't!

(*ski speeds up to them again*)

The skiing sport announcer: AND THE WINNER IS...

(*both cross the finish line with a camera taking a photo where ski was farther than the person*)

The skiing sport announcer: SKI!

Sky: yeah ski, you did it!

Ski: yay, I won the race!

(*back with Mario*)

Mario: the next one we need to talk about is the mercenaries and robot themselves, scout, sniper, and Robo engineer, scout has taken a job as a baseball player with sniper taking a job as a assassin and robo engineer just being his normal self.

(*meanwhile with scout and sniper*)

???????: come on maggot scout, hit the ball for your mercenary team!

Scout: I'm gonna send this ball out of the park with the force of nature!

(*the pitcher throws the ball and scout swings at it sending it far*)

???: run son run!

(*scout starts running across the bases*)

The baseball sport announcer: AND SCOUT SCORES A POINT FOR HIS TEAM!

?????: very good scout, you made team proud!

Scout: thanks heavy.

(*after all of where the contestants are now*)

Mario: well, that's it for where they are now, however, it's not over yet.

(*a limousine reaches the red carpet*)

(*the contestants of Funkin battle step out with their fans cheering*)

Scout: hello everyone!

Sky: man, it's good to be back with this group.

Dorkly Sonic: yep, now it's time for us to get in.

(*they walk to the entrance where a bodyguard was at*)

Bodyguard: name?

Scout: I'm scout, and the rest and me are from the show Funkin battle.

(*the bodyguard grabs the list*)

Bodyguard: you guys are not on the list.

Bob: wait what?

Sniper: this has to be some sort of mistake, Java told us that we were on the list.

(*java appears*)

Java: yeah, I did, how come they ARENT on the list.

(*another limousine drives by and out steps girlfriend, boyfriend, the blue ball person, a orange haired person wielding a UZI, a cup guy, a yellow hedgehog, a black haired fabulous person, and a tall skinny cat*)

(*they walk up to the bodyguard but the blue ball person bumps into Bob knocking him down*)

Bob: hey, watch where you're going jackass!

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