6 (story)

4 1 0

Third Person P.o.V

Two days had past since the little incident with jack and kyah, ethan had just woken up and groggily walked downstairs to make breakfast for everyone, but before he could there was a sudden knock on the door

Ethan was confused on why someone would be knocking on their door at 5:30am
He scratched his head and walked over to the door, he thought for a bit on who it might be before opening the door

On the other side were a few people, all of them being familiar to ethan

These people were...

Tamaki, Vivian, Kiana, Kaori, Her mother, Reishi, Yami, Yuri, and Evan

Ethan was surprised to see all of them and rubbed his eyes

Yuri smiled and pulled him into a hug "long time no see, blondie! I missed you and the guys, speaking of the guys... where are they?" She asked him

"U-Uh, they're sleeping currently. You know how they hate mornings." Ethan said, visibly shocked but happy to see all of his old friends

"Yo." Yami and Evan said with a smile on their faces

"Hello Ethan, you've grown nicely." Reishi said while adjusting his glasses

"Thanks Rei, you look completely the same!" Ethan said with a smile

Reishi's face darkened and he sighed "you could've lied and said that i looked different or something." He said which caused Ethan to chuckle

Vivian then pushes past the others and jumps into ethans arms "Hey!" She said with a smile on her face before kissing him "i missed you, how have you been?" She asked him

"Ive been good, these past few days have been quite eventful actually." Ethan said thinking back on everything that happened and chuckled "hey kiana." He said with a smile and waved to her

She rolled her eyes and waved back

"OH! we brought someone else with us!" Yuri said with a smile before moving to the side to reveal tamaki

"Who are you?" Ethan said, not remembering tamaki

Makes sense considering that he disappeared after Ethan's 11th birthday

Tamaki's heart skipped a beat, this noticeably hurt him "ow.. its me, tamaki. Jacks brother?" He said to ethan

"OH! TAMAKI!" Ethan said before walking over and hugging him tightly "I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL THESE YEARS?" Ethan asked while letting go of him

"Oh i was in italy, i just realized that japan wasnt really my style.. i even met some friends when i was in italy, they'll be coming tomorrow." Tamaki said

"Wait, you guys are moving in too?" Ethan asked them confused

"Yep, thats what the author wants us to do." Tamaki said

"Wait what?" Ethan said to Tamaki

"Alright, you gonna let us in?" Tamaki asked

Ethan nodded and moved to the side, the others then began to walk in

Ethan shrugged and closed the door behind them, he went to the kitchen after to cook for everyone, now that he had pretty much double the mouths to feed he was kinda anxious

Kiana and kaori walked upstairs and knocked on jack and jays door respectively

Jay didnt answer but he had his door unlocked so kaori just snuck in, she stared at him for a bit before jumping onto the bed which caused jay to wake up

"Hey!~" Kaori said with a smile

"Hey! What are you doing here?" Jay asked her, surprised to see her here

"I wanted to see you silly, i even brought my mom! She's downstairs." Kaori said before kissing Jay on the cheek and getting up

After a few knocks on the door jack opened it, annoyed and groggily

"Hey big guy, i thought we were going to keep in touch." Kiana said to him

"Oh, hey... I honestly forgot, theres been so much happening these past few days." Jack said with a yawn

"Oh, its fine i get that you have your own things to do. You gonna invite me in?" Kiana asked

"Sorry but i dont have any alcohol with me." Jack said rubbing his eye

"I dont need to be drunk to hang out with you stupid, i just like being drunk." Kiana said, jack shrugged and let her in

She looked around and saw a little couch so she sat on it, Jack went back over to his bed and laid down

"So how you been?" Jack asked her as he got comfortable

"Nothin much, anything that i did do wasnt really that important in the grand scheme of things, what about you? Are you being a bit nicer?" Kiana asked him

"Shut up... but kinda, you can tell because I would've yelled at you for waking me up." Jack said

"True, true." Kiana said, there was an awkward silence filling the room now

Tamaki soon bursted into the room with a huge grin on his face "HEY BIG BRO!!" He yelled

"Its 5 in the morning." Kiana said plainly

"Oh gosh, you guys brung him?" Jack said jokingly, as he really did miss his little brother, he gave a chuckle and motioned for tamaki to come over to him which tamaki did

Jack hugged his little brother and smiled, before punching him in the stomach, leaving tamaki winded "thats what you get for leaving." He said

"Yeah, thats fair." Tamaki said still in pain

The Lives of my ocsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora