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Third Person P.o.V

"Hey Jack! The family we're supposed to be sharing the mansion with are supposed to be here today, so get dressed!" Ethan yelled

"Ugh, i still don't like this but i did want a big house to live with my friends in... hopefully this family isnt a bunch of weirdos.." Jack said to himself while putting on his shirt and pants. After he was dressed he went downstairs to see Jay sitting on the couch on his phone "Hey dumbass, what ya doin?" Jack asked Jay while going over to sit next to him

"Reading manga, like im always doing... why do you even ask at this point, I know that you already know." Jay said while looking at his phone

"Shit my fault, i was just trying to make conversation you blue haired bastard.." Jack muttered

Just then, there was a knock on the door, ethan rushed from the kitchen to the front door to go open it, Jack and Jay also got up to go to the door

Ethan opens the door with a smile "Hello roommates, nice to meet ya! Im Ethan, the tall one behind me is Jack and the short stack is Jay!" Ethan said in his normal cheerful attitude

"Yo." Jack and Jay said at the same time

"Hello my name is Zarathos and these two are Ares and Minue, it's a pleasure to meet you three" Zarathos said with a faint smile

"Does your little sister have a staring problem?" Jack asked referring to Ares


"Well someone isnt in a good mood.." Jay said as he looked up from his phone

"No not you, h-herrrrim??" Jack said, upon closer inspection he couldnt tell if he was a girl or not

"Im a guy, and I apologize but you are very attractive-" Ares said before getting slapped in the chest by his sister

"Subtly, please." Zarathos said

"Im sorry but they're all attractive... WHAT AM I WRONG?!" Ares yelled at Zarathos who was looking at him with a slightly disgusted expression on his face

"Sometimes, i wish i wasn't your brother.." Zarathos said

"W-Well, come in." Ethan moving out of the way, as soon as he did Minue quickly ran upstairs

"My gosh this is a sausage fest... five dudes?" Jack muttered under his breath

"Jack can you go show her, her room please?" Zarathos asked nicely

"Ugh.." Jack went upstairs after her, he didnt see her in the hallway but he heard her in his room "no no no, this is my room." Jack said opening the door

"Nah, its my room now. Damn is this tempur pedic?" Minue asked as he rolled around on the bed

"Get the fuck out." Jack said

"No not yet, i want to look around." Minue said before going over to his closet

Jack quickly ran over and picked her up by the back of her shirt "i wasn't asking..." he then started walking towards the hallway but she quickly took off her flannel shirt and leg sweeped him, putting him on his ass

"You cant order me around you pussy!" Minue said before getting on his back and choking him

Ares looked in the room and saw the two on the floor "Minue get off of him would ya?" He said and pulled her off of him "im so sorry mr jack, we'll find our rooms" Ares said before pushing minue out of the room and closing the door behind them

Jack laid on the ground screaming into the carpet

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