Addicted (SMUT)

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"Julia Hart?" I scoffed, "They think they can take us down by adding Julia Hart?!"

Allie, Penelope, and I had a six-tag match against Anna Jay, Tay Conti, and Julia Hart. Since I interfered in the last match, they tried putting Julia on me and I found it hilarious. 

"They think they can beat us by teaming with Julia?"

Penelope groaned, all of us exchanging a dirty look then busting out in laughter. 

"They're so funny!" I gasped, needing to breathe, but then growing serious, throwing on my leather jacket, "Girl signed up for her funeral!"

A lot of women in the locker room always denied it, but Allie, Penelope, and I were the baddest in the game, a force to be reckoned with and we were going to put that on display.

"S-S-S-Super Bad Girls!"

That always put a smile on my face, having fun with our entrance and creating my next fanboy. Julia had the Varsity Blondes at ringside and when I went to do my signature split, I did it on the apron right in front of Brian, singing:

"S-S-S- Super Bad Girls!"

I loved when they tried to hide their emotions, his eyes about turning into hearts when I slid into the ring with my split, my shorts riding and giving him the best view he'd ever get. We all laughed when I got in the ring, watching him have to walk away with his lip in his teeth.

A view of my split wasn't the only thing he got. Julia was specifically targeting me in the match which was the worst mistake she ever made. We got her on our side of the ring for quite some time and made sure she wouldn't get to hers. 

We really got to show our bad girl side. I'd distract the referee while Allie and Penelope jumped her, took her in front of Brian and Griff just to show off. It was too much fun, but after a bit, things caught up with us.

Julia managed to make a tag and that's when things started to lose control. Everyone was in the ring fighting and they forgot that I was the one legal. Allie took care of Julia, Penelope pump kicked Anna so hard she fell out of the ring. I was in the corner, watching Tay think that Penelope was legal.

Taking advantage of this, I gave her a Soulfood kick and when she popped up, Penelope hit her with a stunner and when she popped up again, I hit her with a massive diamond cutter, picking up the win for us.

Rolling out of the ring with laughter, I threw up an L with my hand at all of them, Penelope and Allie meeting me on the ramp, laughing along when I blew a kiss to Brian who still had his eyes on me.

"Gosh, I feel like it's been a while since we've had that much fun," Allie smiled, leading us to our interview.

"Hell yeah," I giggled, "Super Bad Girls are unstoppable in that ring."

"Damn right," Penelope agreed, getting ready for the camera.

With our recent rivalry, we've been getting a lot of attention, addressing everyone in our interview that even collected a bit of an audience. Allie was having her turn to speak when my eyes lingered, finding MJF in the back. It looked like he was waiting for me.

"Ain't that right, Y/N?" Allie smiled and it caught me off guard, but I was able to play along:

"The Super Bad Girls, we're not playing around anymore. We are going to run this whole damn company and anyone who gets in our way? Hahaha, they can get their ass kicked. Don't believe me? Ask Anna, Tay, and Julia."

We walked out of the shoot laughing and smiling. Now that it was over, I planned on making my way over to Max, but another person got in my way.

Brian had this smug look on his face, Allie whispering to me, "Caught another fish, huh?"

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