Mr. & Mrs. PT. 2 (SMUT)

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"Mrs. Friedman!" Max yelled to me, making his way down to the private beach from the home we rented in Hawaii.

I just chuckled at Max, protecting my eyes from the bright sun that already tanned my body. Thank goodness I brought one of my favorite bikinis.

"Mrs. Friedman," Max repeated again as he approached me, his hand wrapping around my hip, "I will never get tired of hearing that."

"Never?" I tested, giggling a bit as it made him smile.

"Never ever," Max smiled, giving me a kiss.

I kindly accepted his kiss, pressing my lips hard before I began to head to the shoreline, stepping into the water. It was a little cold, but it felt good when it made contact with my hot skin, my body getting used to it rather quickly.

"Just walk away from my kiss?" Max teased, making me roll my eyes when I looked back to him, sighing:

"It's been two days now and haven't even gotten into the ocean a bit. I was down here for a reason."

"Well, technically, we're down here on our honeymoon," Max explained, trying not to laugh.

"Smartass," I scoffed, splashing him with some water.

I about laughed my butt off as Max tensed up, trying to shield the water as I splashed him again, his voice even a bit shaky as he said, "Damn it, that's cold!"

Seeing his reactions were great as I continued to splash him but after so much, he was able to tolerate it, just standing there with a blank expression. So, I took him by surprise, running up and shoving him into the water.

Laughter was spilling from both of us as I got on top of him, Max trying to break free. After so much he did, running away from me, yelling, "Okay! Now, you're playing with fire!"

"Well, technically," I scoffed, mocking him, "I'm playing with water! Haha!"

Max ran through the next splash that I threw at him, pulling me to him by my hips, his voice growing sexy as he cooed, "With the way you look in that bikini, I'm ready to start playing with something else."

He just always knew how to make me blush, giving me a kiss while his hands slid down my hips, both hands cupping my ass, giving it some good squeezes. Of course, I knew what he meant, but with just his voice, how hot his kiss was, I wanted to get him stirred up even more.

"Oh?" I gasped, giggling a little, "Play with what, exactly?"

"Well, you see," Max whispered between kisses, "I know something that's soft and warm, it gets really wet, it feels so good. It can get really tight sometimes too, but that's how I like it."

"You'll have to show me what you mean," I whispered back, "I like actions rather than words. You should be the one to know that."

"I know you do, baby," Max barely got out, his tongue darting into our kiss, beginning to dance with mine while his fingertips danced back up to my hips, slowly untying my bikini bottoms at their sides.

We both looked down briefly as they dropped to the sand, the water pushing them up to the drier part of the sand. My eyes quickly followed it, giggling more as I said, "Mr. Friedman!"

"What? You said you like action," Max sighed, my head quickly turning to see my bikini top falling too.

I just laughed at Max, going back to kiss him, the space between our bodies closing as I pressed my chest against his, his hands going right back to fondling my ass, his fingers doing down more, teasing my entrance, the teasing almost killing me a bit.

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