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Why is trying to sleep so hard?

Well maybe it's because of your 3 broken ribs dislocated knee, oh and don't forget about your ankle that you just managed to get out of a bear trap.

That's right, a bear trap. Tyler my step father made me stand on a bear trap, all because I came home 1 minute late. But that, that's not even the worst part, he fucken stabbed me then dislocated my knee and started the annual beating of the day.

I can never catch a break can I?

And no my mum isn't here to defend me nor is my sister, my 'mother' if you can even call her that encouraged my step father, she even dared him to see how many bones of mine he could brake, 11 of my bones. Well anyways she's dead, not trying to sound psychotic but I'm happy she's dead. She died 8 years ago when I was 8.

And for my twin sister, she doesn't know, well I think she doesn't know but she might suspect. And before you say oh she's the golden child and that why she doesn't get abused like me, your partly right, she is the golden child because I take the blame for what she does and I take the beatings so she doesn't.

It's currently 5:00am. Time to get up for school I guess, I have to make breakfast for alexa my twin sister. I don't really eat, no scratch that 'I'm not worthy of food' as Tyler said, but it's ok I get a bit of food at school but I don't eat that much because my stomach can't take large amounts of food.

I don't cook for Tyler in the morning because he is usually to hangover to eat, and god was on my side this morning he was still hangover.

After cooking bacon and getting the toast out of the toaster and putting it on the plate ready to be served it was 6:45. I know what your think why does it take you an 1 hour and 45 minutes to cook breakfast, well I had to find the frying pan.

After putting the plate on the table I go upstairs to get ready for school. I chuck on some black leggings with a white long sleeve top with a grey hoodie over top. Going to my closet and grabbing my old pear of white sneakers. Yes I know very basic but I like it. And anyways its the only clothes I got without holes.

Going towards my door grabbing my backpack and heading downstairs, slowly and carefully. Lexa is already down here munching on her toast.

She's wearing a bright purple crop top with black ripped jeans and her red convers, her hair slicked back into a high pony while mine is let out. She greets me like normal and I just nod.

Im mute well I don't like talking to anyone. I haven't spoken to Lexa in 2 years, it was our 14 birthday and I wished her a 'happy birthday' and that's the last think I said to anyone.

She respects that I don't talk but she still has questions about why I don't. And I will tell her, in time tho.

7 o'clock time to head to school. Me and Lexa begin our journey to school, her telling me about the dream she had last night and me just nodding. We don't live that far away from school probably 10 min walk.

We reached the school gates and we go our separate ways, I got to my friend while she goes to hers.

I meet up with my friend group which has 4 other members my best friends Tommy I refer to him as T for sort, lucy, denice and Dave. I don't talk to them either but I write notes so that kinda counts as talking right?

Lexa met up with her friend group mary, lila, liv, justin and Dan. If you ask me I think Lexa has a crush on Dan but she would kill me if I said that, like I would speak.

The bell rings after like I don't know 5-10 minutes of luna and davina constantly blahboling on about what their plans for the weekend is.

I arrive at class with T, we both have social study first period together. We sit down in the back row like normal and then class starts. About have way through the lesson the intercom comes on "could Allie and Alexa Smith please come to the office now, thank you"

Everyone's eyes snap to me and I just glare right back at them, it's not my first time getting in trouble, I always get a detention for sleeping in class or playing pranks on the teachers but this is the first time Lexa been called to the office.

Both me and Lexa meet each other outside the principals office, both us looking confused as hell. I jester for Lexa to open the door. As soon as we step in we are greeted with pity look and sad emotions. Who died?

We take a seat in front of the principals desk, there are 2 police officers in here as well. Intimidating much?

"girls I'm sorry to inform you this but your step father had passed away last night due to an overdose." I was stunned to say the least. I was sure I would go before that old peace of shit. I looked at lexa and she was already looking at me, we both didn't have an ownce of sadness shown on our faces we both hated the bastered.

It was silent untill lexa spoke up "so are we going to be put in an orphanage or Foster care." she was a little sad you could hear it in her voice. "no, we have found your biological father and you will be moving in with your father and brother. We will take you to down to the station and wait for your father to come and pick you up." One of the officers said.

WAIT WHAT!!!!????

"you must be mistaken sir we don't have any brothers." lexa spoke with complete shock. I was just frozen I have brothers and a father this is unreal.

"we matched your DNA to theirs, you are his children."

Huh when did they get our DNA. Weird.

When we arrived at the police station we where ascorted to a small room. As soon as the officers left lexa started rambling on about that she was so shocked that we had brothers. I was still frozen.

The officers came back in with a small tray of food for us, lexa instantly took it she offered me some but I refused. "your father and oldest brother with be arriving here in about 5 hours, we'll take you home so you girls can pack." I nodded and lexa ask the same question that was on my mind.

"where do they live?"


Wait hold on I have to move to Italy, thank god for my Italian lessons.

We came back to the station after 2 hours we both had duffle bags filled with out belonging. We were put back in the same room again, only 3 more hours till I meet my family yay. 'note the sarcasm'

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