Revealing X (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

Niall’s P.O.V.

“So, you have no idea who X is either?” Liam shook his head. “Has Lily seen what she looks like?” He asked me with a curious look on his face. “I don’t think so…” I spun around, expecting to see Lily…but she wasn’t there.

“Oh god, this can’t be happening!” I yelled. “What is it?!” Everyone yelled back. “Lily’s gone. I’m going to go find her.” I called out while starting to run as fast as I possibly could.

Louis’ P.O.V.

“I’m not letting Niall go on his own!” I told everyone while they stood still, too shocked to move. I hate when people do that, I thought to myself. I ran around a corner and didn’t see any sign of Niall or Lily. Where am I supposed to go now?

I was in an unfamiliar part of Ed’s house now. I spotted a door that was slightly open and decided to go up to it. I swung it open and looked down a set of descending, eerie steps. Might as well look down here. I’ve got nothing to lose. Funny enough, there was a flashlight hanging from a hook on the wall on the side of the stairs. It was almost like it was waiting for me.

This just keeps getting creepier.


“Nialler? Lily? Where are you guys?” I called out into the dark, suspicious, too-quiet basement. I spied a small, dim light from far away and decided to check it out. “Yolo” as the teenagers would say. Wait, what am I thinking? I’m pretty much a teenager on the inside, maybe younger! Haha, “yolo”, as I would say! Yeah, that sounds better. Ugh, focus Lou!

I made my way to the light and saw that it was coming from behind another door. ‘Here goes nothing!’ The door creaked as it opened, revealing a beautiful female in the middle of the room with long, cascading, wavy, brown locks that fell over her shoulders.

She was clearly tied to the chair she sat in; her hands were behind her back and a rope was peeking out from behind her. Her hazel eyes were open wide, but they softened when she saw who I was. “Louis?!”


Ashley’s P.O.V.

“Where am I?!” I shouted at Njeri. She’d brought me to a different room, away from the girl we’d all been looking for, Eleanor. X was off somewhere, probably killing animals or something else morbid. “She…” Njeri started, obviously nervous.

“She what?!” I snapped. It doesn’t matter if Njeri was my best friend; I NEED to know why she would possibly work with X! What happened the summer she was taken anyways?!

“She forced me to bring you here. She said something about telling you the truth.” Why would X want Njeri to tell me the “truth”? It’s not like she cared about people knowing what’s really going on. Wouldn’t that be the last thing she’d want to happen??

“I guess I’ll start on the day I went missing.” Njeri said quietly. I nodded, trying really hard to be calmer.

Njeri’s P.O.V.

“Have fun!” My mum exclaimed as she dropped me off for my dance class. She always dropped me off a little away from the building, because I liked walking there, but it was too far away from my flat. My brown, fringed bag was slung over my shoulder, my cell phone in my hands, and my converse crunched in the gravel as I walked.

The gravel area ended and soon I was traveling on the sidewalk. I played with my phone for a second, checking the time. It read, “6:15”. I had plenty of time, since my class started at 6:40.

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