Informational Game

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I woke at a start from a nightmare. My hair was wet from sweat and it stuck to my face and neck. My eyes burned from crying in my sleep. I barely remember what it was about. I think it had something to do with Niall and Harry though. I got up and tripped my way to the door.

When I opened it and surveyed the room, I spotted Niall watching TV. I guess he had a difficult time sleeping too. I made my way over to him, luckily without tripping this time. “Niall” I whispered. He jumped and then relaxed when he realized that it was just me. “Can’t sleep?” I nodded. He motioned for me to sit with him on the couch.

He rested his hand on my head and then looked at me funny. “Lily, why is your hair wet?” I shrugged, “Nightmare.” Worry seeped into his face. “What was it about?” I shrugged again. “I don’t remember.” I decided not to tell him about Harry being in it.

He still didn’t know that my feelings for Harry weren't intensified anymore. Whenever I say Harry’s name, Niall gets all stiff and doesn’t talk very much. “I’m sorry.” I smiled up at him, “It’s fine. I’m just really tired now.” He nodded and I snuggled into the blanket he was using.

He caressed my cheek as I laid my head on his shoulder. I closed my eyes, trying to at least get another hour of sleep. “What time is it?” I muttered. “2:37.” Niall answered softly. My eyelids fluttered, trying to see his face again before I fell asleep. He was staring at me, but his face looked thoughtful. “Sweet dreams.” He said something else but it was too quiet for me to hear.

When I woke again, Niall was still there holding me, but he was asleep. I needed to get up, but I didn’t want to. Being here was perfect. Louis walked into the room with Harry right behind him. They looked at me and winked. What was going on? Then Harry came up to me and whispered in my ear, “We’re going to annoy little Nialler."

I giggled and tried to get up without waking him. It was hard because he was leaning on me and his arm was around me. Carefully, I picked up his arm and put it at his side. In his sleep, he sighed and put his arm back around me, holding me tighter. “Help!” I said loud enough for Louis and Harry to hear me, but quiet enough to not wake Niall. Louis just laughed at me and shook his head. “You’ll just have to stay there.” He joked quietly. I glared at him while he grinned at me.

“Little Irish…” Harry cooed. Then, he poked Niall softly on his back. Niall didn’t make a sound. I covered my mouth and tried not to giggle. “Wake up…” Louis said hypnotically. Harry then poked Niall’s cheek again and again.

Cute Niall still didn’t wake up until Louis jumped on him and sat in his lap. “What the…” Niall finally woke up and pushed Louis on the floor. “Don’t hurt Boo Bear!!” Harry shouted. I laughed and Niall smiled at me. “Hazza, Nialler tried to kill me.” Louis sat there fake crying while Harry tried to comfort him. “Good morning, Niall.” I brushed his messy hair out of his face so I could see his eyes.

“I’m hungry.” Niall laid on me and just laughed. I laughed with him, “Niall get off me and go eat.” “Okay, come with me!” He hopped off the couch and tripped over Harry and Louis. “Fine, but I’m not taking the same path as you.” Harry started giggling and Louis shoved Niall away.

“Nialler, go get me a carrot.” Niall finally got to the kitchen and got out almost all of the food they had. I grabbed a carrot for Louis because Niall was just focused on himself at the moment. “Here, Louis.” He grabbed it the second I came in the room. “I love you my carrot.” He started stroking the carrot while Harry played with his hair. “You guys are so weird.” I grabbed a nearby pillow and threw it at them.

After an hour, Niall stopped eating for a while. Louis was with Eleanor and Harry was in his room on his laptop. Liam had left to go see Danielle, leaving me, Niall, and Zayn alone in the living room. I wanted to ask Niall what he had said to me earlier before I had fallen asleep again, but Zayn was there. I guess I could ask him later. “So, Zayn…” I started.

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