Beware the Woods At Night

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Just a quick one shot I made about Nozomi that has nothing to do with the story I am creating already about her.

Don't go into the woods alone, you never know what you might face.

Long ago, in a time lost from legends, lived three white-haired children in an uncharted forest. The youngest a female named Nozomi, while the two older children were males. The oldest was called Zero and the middle was known as Corro. Now these children weren't your typical everyday children, they were half human and half Baffin Island wolf. Naturally, you'd think they would be outcasts, but no, they were welcomed into the villages comfortably. They always brought fresh meat to sell in exchange for some of the foods that was sold in the market. Not a soul knew where they earned their meat, most assumed the children hunted for it.

Each day, the three would bring a large amount of meat to sell to the vendors, in return they received a nice amount of money. Many of the villagers had wondered how the children survived the forest, especially when at night people would disappear. Rumors spread that because the siblings hunted well, they were able to defend themselves.

One day, a few teenagers decided to camp out during the night near the three white-haired siblings' cabin. The curious trio of teenagers had gathered at dawn, when the siblings were away to sell meat in the market. With the camp site set up, the teenagers settled for the long day ahead of them. The siblings returned around dusk and trudged into their cabin, tired from the day's work.

Nozomi and her brothers were calmly settled in their cozy home and lit a fire to gain warmth in the chilling place. Until, the youngest of the three had stepped out the house to look at the stars. She had caught scent of humans nearby whom weren't supposed to be there and quickly ran into the cabin to tell her brothers. Now, the teenagers were happily telling stories by a fire, in a far enough distance from the three siblings. They told of great adventures and treasures from places afar and damsels in distress. Then, a pair of golden eyes appeared from behind one of them. The storyteller had completely frozen up as a warm breath of air had blew gently onto his neck. A young girl with hair as pure and white as snow had stepped into the lighting of the blazing fire in front of her, the child smiled at the last of the teenagers. She looked quite innocent and the campers were confused as to why a child at her age was wondering around the forest, until it struck them. She was one of the three siblings hat lived in the cabin nearby. She asked them what they had been doing out in the forest alone, yet none of them spoke a word. The other two appeared from the inky darkness that surrounded the fire, knives in hand, prepared to dispose of the the young campers if they attempted to escape.

Upset that the teenagers had not responded to her question, she flicked her wrist towards her elder brothers who silently sliced the throats of the captives in their possession into the darkness. Finally, now completely shaken and terrified, the final camper spoke, his voice cracking occasionally from fear and desperation. He spoke of how they wanted to know as to where they attained such quality meats and so much of it. Nozomi giggled at the male and had her brothers lift the male up by his arms as she spoke softly and slowly. She explained how they three of them took any poor lost souls and put them out of their misery. Now wide-eyed, the male had tried to kick at the men that held him up, failing with each kick. Zero and Corro had finally gotten bored of the ordeal, with that, Zero jabbed the male with the small blade and Corro dragged him away into the black night.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2015 ⏰

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