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Tilly didn't know how to feel or what to do. 

She was... alive? 

The feeling of her heart beating and the sudden warmth spreading through her body was so foreign to her, she didn't know how to feel, all she could feel in that moment was fear and anxiety.

"Michael, what did you do? How is this possible? I-I'm so confused." Her eyes welled with tears as she wrapped her arms around his waist tightly. 

He tightened his hold on her and looked down at her with a wide grin. 

"Anton showed me my true potential. I am the Antichrist, my real father is Satan, Through Anton I was able to connect with my father and was guided on how to help you. He brought you back to life Tilly!"

Tilly was in disbelief. Satan? The Antichrist? She thought Tate was his real father. At this point, she couldn't think straight.

"Wha- Michael! This is all so insane. I don't know how to feel about all of this." Her lips trembled and she spoke shakily.

"You don't need to worry Tilly. Let me take care of you like you have taken care of me all my life. I want to give you another chance at life. All I ask is that you trust me. We can do it, together!" He caressed her hips to try to ease her worries.

She looked around the room, seeing the devil worshippers, silently watching the interaction. Still no sign of any reappearing ghosts that were still trapped in the home.

"What are we supposed to do now? I can't just leave the house. My family is here- OUR family is here Michael. This is where I belong."

His hold on her tightened, his blue eyes darkening with a look of rage appearing on his face. 

"Family? What family? They all abandoned me, leaving me and cursing my name behind my back. No one here cares about me. They all want me gone. The only person that has truly cared for me is you. I'm giving you a second chance at a free life, with me! What more could you ever want?"

He closed his eyes in annoyance, cupped her face in his hands, and took a deep breath before continuing:

"Tilly, I need you. I will not leave without you. Miss Mead offered to take us in and give us a place to stay. We are going and that's final. I know this has been your home for decades, but you will like it at her home, with me! No limits or invisible boundaries."

"Michael, I don't think I can do this. Im so scared. I don't remember anything but this life! Why would you take me from all of this? I am comfortable with my life here, if you truly care about me, you would leave me here with everyone else. I never asked for this." She cried, covering her face.

They were interrupted by a throat clearing, the couple looked over to see the two women cleaning up the sacrificial mess, while Anton spoke up,

"If I may my lord, the sooner we leave, the better. The spirits are stirring because of the girl. If we wait any longer they will be released from the binding spell, and it will be very difficult to leave the house."

Tillys eye began to well up with tears. That's why the ghosts were gone? He pushed them away to get her alone without disruption. 

"I'm sorry Tilly, you will see in time that I know what's best for us." Michael said, unapologetically as he waved a hand in front of her face.

"I- Huh?" She quickly collapsed in Michaels arms, an effect of Michael knocking out Tilly, and sweeping her up into his arms.

"Let's go."

He and his followers walked out of the murder house, right as the binding spell lifted, turning to see Tate Langdon screaming and running to the entrance of the home.

"Tilly! TILLY! You fucking monster. What did you do to her? Huh? What did you do?" He screamed, looking at an unconscious Tilly in his biological sons arms. 

He was shaking with rage as Michael slid into the back seat with his best friend, and large smirk on his face.

 He had taken Tilly. 

He knew he had won.

Ben Harmon was the first to grab him by the arm, shushing him, "Tate, calm down."

Tate ripped his arm away from the shaken man. The binding spell and ceremony had shaken everyone. They were pushed back and all forced to watch what had happened with rage and sadness, unable to help or protect their poor Tilly.

"Calm down? Did you see what that bastard just did to her? We're stuck in this literal hellhole, and he just took her out of here unconscious!!"

"They only thing we can do is wait and hope that someone can come and help us, for now, Tilly will be fine. She is the only person Michael will not harm." Ben sighed, as much as he hated to say it.

Constance joined the two men in the doorway, cigarette in her hand. 

"She's the monsters weakness. May god protect her innocent soul."                                    

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