Being Judged.

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A/n: thank you to the people who are voting this story up! It means a lot!!! Also a lotta angst is gonna be goin on, with that said... continue with the story! WARNING! Swearing and Self harming other stuffs 💞


Eddie's POV:

Eddie knew that being little wasn't "normal" or usually accepted in society. But that did not mean it didn't hurt whenever people or even his own friends (that aren't The Boys dw) look at him weird or tell him "chill out it's not that exciting" or something like that.

He didn't dare tell his caregivers though... or his fellow little friends. It just made him feel a bit guilty.

Anyways, today he was going to meet his other friends. He put on his hoodie and some ripped jeans on, leaving his room to see Juicy. "hi Ed... where you going?" Juicy asked, based on his clothes and speech, he was little at the moment.
"I'm going out with some friends, I'll be back in a couple of hours! Make sure to tell everyone else that I'm out." I said quickly, trying to leave fast as I could because Juicy is curious... little or not. I put my socks and shoes on, starting my car before telling anyone else.

~time skip, eddie is with his friends~

My friends decided to go shopping, really just to go to Zumiez. Which is cool but when our friend, Liam, dragged us into a cute anime shop. He was there for the action figures but there were a lot of stuffed animals and it was honestly kind of tempting...

Grant/Narrator's POV:

I woke up to Juicy sleeping on my chest. I chuckled as he nuzzled into my chest. He woke up with a slight smile but I could sense something was off. "What's up Juicebox?" I whispered, not wanting to be loud.

"Eddie went out with fwiends and he's not gonna be hewe for a couple houws..." he mumbled sadly. Which was upsetting to me because I could've sworn Eddie said he'd hang out with Juice, Josh, and Dose.

"Alright bud I'll text him 'kay?" I booped his nose as he nodded enthusiastically.

n: hey eddie! juicy just told me where u were... everything okay?

e: yea why?

n: well just make sure u get home at a reasonable hour, juicy, dose, and Josh wanna at least say goodnight :c

e: k

end of texts

what. the. fuck.
Eddie never EVER responds with "k". It's always "yep" or "okie" or "okayy". Never just "k". I'm getting worried. Genuinely. Juicy most of seen the concern on my face because he sat up and he looked even more sad.

"is he otay?" Juicy asked innocently. I couldn't just say Eddie was in danger. Because I don't know that, maybe I'm overreacting... buuuuuut maybe not. I check SnapMaps. Yep, he's with his friends. I sighed, bringing my attention back to Juicy.

"I don't know yet bud." I answered honestly. I picked him up and woke up Mully, told him the situation and started to get ready and start the car. Right as I exited the driveway I got a call from Eddie.

"Eddie! Hey you okay bud?"

Eddie's POV:

"Eddie! Hey you okay bud?" I heard Narrator ask calmly. I was hyperventilating. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't speak. And that's all that Grant could hear. "Eddie...? Could you make a noise if you need help?!" Grant sounded more panicked. I whined, hoping he could hear it. "Alright darling, I'll be right there. Take deep breaths—" Grant got cut off by my phone battery died. I tried following his instructions, but I literally couldn't.


My friends were being complete assholes. They were making fun of me, well making fun of my scars. They noticed my scars and said "They weren't even that deep if you just wanted some attention you could've just called us." As if they were helping me.

⚠️SH END⚠️

Grant/Narrator's POV:

I drove as fast as I could, legally of course. I arrived at the shopping center, parked, and began looking around. I looked through all of the shops and I was about to call Kevin or Mully to get over here until I heard rapid breaths coming from the alleyway.

"Eddie...?" I cautiously went towards the noise. I heard whining and it definitely sounded like Eddie. "There you are my prince" I said gently, grateful that he wasn't physically hurt from what I could see. He was curled up into a ball and looked absolutely wrecked though. I hated seeing my little ones and/or my friends in so much pain. "Ready to go?" I asked to which he nodded quickly making grabby hands. I smiled slightly, carrying him bridal style all the way to the car with his face nuzzled into my neck. He was tired. And emotional. And whenever one of the littles are upset in any kind of way the others usually are to... I sighed, putting him in the passenger seat, buckling him in before starting the car and leaving.

DWWWW IMMA DO A PART 2 WHERE EDDIES OKAY AND STUFFFF... but also wowza it's 2:27 am.... Alright gn/gm/ga to all of u 💞

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2022 ⏰

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