bestest of friends 💞

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3rd person POV:

It's been exhausting for poor Dose. He's had a long day and he's sucked it up for a long time, just being big... but he's been feeling that warm fuzzy feeling in the back of his mind all day. So he locked his door after a long day of filming for The Boys and got into a Dino onesie. He grabbed his favorite paci and cuddled his Dino stuffies.

Yes he was obsessed with dinosaurs but who could blame him? They're super cool. He honestly didn't know why he always locked the door when he was little. Everyone knew that Dose regressed and some of them regressed as well!

Maybe it was because he didn't want to feel like a burden... right as he finished that thought someone knocked on his door.

Dose POV:

I reluctantly opened the door and saw... Juicy? He hugged me immediately and closed the door behind himself.

"You seemed like you needed a hug today..." Juicy whispered, I could tell he was little because of his blue pajamas that he only wore when he was little.

"Tank you Juice" I said now slipping into 3 years old mindset. He giggled and dragged me to my bed. We are best friends, we have been ever since I started filming and editing for The Boys. Me, Eddie, Josh, and Juicy are so close to each other. We always know when the other is slipping or pushing our little space away.

~super tiny time skip~

I saw Juicy put on Adventure Time as we cuddled and made jokes every now and then. That's when Mully entered my room looking a bit distressed. "Hi!" Me and Juicy both waved at him as he sighed in relief.

"hey guys, you gave us a tiny scare there..." Mully smiled and handed us some sippy cups filled with Angel milk. "It's almost dinner, I'll bring it in here when it's done alright?"

"Okie dada!" Juicy giggled and started drinking from his bottle. Mully left without another word.

Juicy POV:

Usually Dose is the bigger one but he was about 3 years old right now and I was 5 going to 4. He deserved his little time though, we did film for a couple hours.

~this time skip is brought to u by raid shadow le-~

After a couple of minutes of watching and playing, our dinner was finished. Mully came in and gave us some dino nuggets and some applesauce. After eating Dose was rubbing his eyes with his hands and I knew he was sleepy. I smiled and went out quickly and found Narrator.

"Dose is sweepy dada" I said while tugging on his shirt. He smiled and picked me up, leaving whatever work he was doing on his computer alone. I was also getting a bit sleepy, I yawned as Narrator chuckled.

Narrator's POV:

I put Dose and Juicy to bed pretty easily, Mully was putting Eddie and Josh to bed and I just had to finish doing some adult stuff then I'm done.

~super itty bitty spider time skip~

After all of that... for a lack of a better word, bullshit. I go upstairs and go to Mully's room who was already sleeping. I cuddle with him and feel my eyelids get heavy......

Wowza that was a bit of a long one, or maybe I'm just tired who knows? Anyways thank you for reading and if u have a chapter idea make sure to leave it in the requests chapter!!!!

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