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Ian lifted his knees, standing up with the closed storybook in his hand as he looked to the dead child who lay in his bed. "Your father was dying, so he asked me to write his story. He didn't say he had to be the hero in it." His lips curled, but fell again at the seriousness of the situation. "Rest in peace Nicolas." He looked at the storybook in its grim leather cover and yellowing pages and let it rest at the sheets. A slender man rested against the doorframe. "Do you ever- miss him?" Cale asked his husband as Ian walked up and closed the door. He could hear the faint particles of the earth envelope the boy's body and bring him through the hardwood floor. "His father? No I'm glad he died that day. In fact I wish his cancer killed him faster." Cale rested an an arm on Ian's shoulder, leading him through the hallway of their palace. "What about V? I know she was your friend once," Cale curiously asked and made Ian snicker as he went into the cellar. "I may be an old man, but there is not a day that shall go by that I do not wish her pain and torment. May she burn in hell with her necrophilic bitch sister." Ian removed himself from Cale's grasp and pulled a bottle of wine from the rack next to them. "I do miss Oliver though, he was a good man and an even better friend." The cork shot out of the bottle as Cale slid two glasses over. "We did good though, right? Releasing everyone?" Ian nodded in response. "Declaring war may have not been the best choice, but we can't forgive and forget anyone but ourselves." Ian set the bottle down and gave Cale a glass. "Than wrote to me recently, he's doing well. Apparently he found himself in a country with a boyfriend!" Cale excitedly said as he pulled out a neatly folded letter. "Good for him." Ian muttered as he  took a sip of the thick liquid. There was a question Cale had yet to answer. It floated in the room like a fog. "What happens now?" Ian seemed perplexed at the question, there was nothing left to do, everyone was freed, his mother was banished and probably dead, his story and legacy had been told. Still, the past was a mystery even he couldn't unfold. "I don't know." His frail hands shook as he drank the rest of the wine. Suddenly, a loud knock rang throughout the castle. The two men shared a confused look, they had been living in solitude for the remainder of their days and no one seemed to visit or care for two kings with old stories anymore.  Cale set his glass aside and his heavy footsteps trot to the entrance. He twisted the knob and opened it to reveal a man with shaggy brown hair that now had gray streaks growing. His eyes were yellow and despite his age, he still bore a sharp smile. Behind him was an elf with a slender face and wrinkled eyes. Their once blond hair had become platinum and braided. They had many marital hair cuffs and ears still as pointed as ever. "Than!" Ian exclaimed, excited to see his old friend. Cale stuttered in surprise as Than immediately pushed past him without a word and wrapped Ian in a hug. Leaf was more polite and waited for Cale's approval to be let inside. "Good to see you, old friend." Leaf smiled as they handed Cale a glass tray. "Theo made a casserole." Cale awkwardly nodded and ushered Leaf inside, closing the door behind them. "I thought you were away on a trip! How's the boyfriend?" Ian asked as they pulled away from a hug. "Oh Peter and I are doing splendid, he's ruling a Spanish country in the grasslands." Than gushed over his partner as a faint red embedded his face. Leaf let out a chuckle. "I hope we aren't intruding anything, but there are some things we must discuss with you." Cale made his way to the dining room table and took a seat, staying curious as Ian sat next to him, offering a seat to Than and Leaf as well. "We know that we have all grown old and fruitful, the days of our past have been behind us. But you don't know everything." Leaf started. Ian curiously leaned forward. "You don't know that your mother assigned A to kill your father, that Genevieve assigned her to kill anyone who left the barrier." Leaf waited until Ian grew quiet before speaking again. "Prideland is dying, our history is being forgotten, Ophelia asked us to get you involved for the rebellion." Cale interrupted Leaf's speech, earning a hard glare from Than. "Rebellion?" Than reached into his pocket and pulled out a folded letter from Ophelia. "There are forces beyond our understanding, groups that will do anything to take our mission down. The head of the leader is someone we all share a common enemy with. June wants you dead for the price of her brother." Ian gave Than a confused look. "That was more than eighty years ago, I barely remember what A or Spencer looks like." Leaf nodded in response. "This is a new group, people we have never met before, but fortunately, we have new people as well." Now it was Cale's turn to be confused. "But we're- old. How can we even help? My strength isn't what it used to be." Than suddenly jerked forward and grabbed Cale's wrist, and he saw what he was intended to see, Than's bony wrist was actually slim and healthy. "You're under an illusion. You may think you're an inch from death but it's only been two years since the barrier was broken. You need to wake up." Ian felt a piercing headache and closed his eyes, wanting to scream at how badly his head was throbbing. "We'll explain everything when you wake. But you have to promise me something." Cale clutched Ian closely, hoping he could shield him from the pain but realized he was only grasping empty space. "Promise me you'll save us again." Than's voice sounded faint, the walls of the palace seemed to close in around himself. Cale had never felt so alone in his life, he wanted Ian, he wanted answers. He knew it was probably hopeless but he couldn't help but participate in the sick fantasy. He looked up at the blackness and spoke to the static above. "I promise." 

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