Chapter 14- Spencer

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Spencer saw the world differently now that he was leading someone through his. With the rain softly pattering, leading a soothing mist into the oasis, many of Prideland's citizens were out and admiring the new weather. "Prideland has a pretty unique history." Spencer stated, bowing his head to the gushing commoners at his presence. Most of them looked to be around twelve which was- weird in hindsight but he loved the attention regardless. The cracked cobblestone flooring which had injured Ian yesterday was perfectly sealed off and shining like normal. The oil lit lamps scattered down the walkway were buzzing with excitement and the plants hunched over in pastel boxes down doorsteps and balconies was yelping with glee at the new arrival. Although the rain was falling, it seemed to be in a symmetrical formation, almost as if they were pellets clinking down a pipe. "Everyone knows the story of the seven, the magical wizards that created the same stones you're walking on."

Spencer's eyes gleamed at the topic, it had been ages since anyone had listened to his stories. Ian brushed away a fallen raindrop, feeling the rubber material against his skin. "Why is the rain like this? This isn't normal." He pondered, glancing his eyes away to the whispering crowd. Leaf, taking note of this, silently shifted his weight and quickly switched places with Ian. "It's okay. I hate them too." They whispered without making eye contact. "If you're going to tell the story of the seven Spencer, you might as well do it right." Taking a breath, Spencer lurched forward and spun around on his heel. "You're right! We need to see the witches"! It was so obvious. Their leader was the original founder after all.

He wondered what Ian would think of him now, he couldn't tell why, but he had the sudden aching to be closer to him. His jealously for Leaf's position to be with Ian grew even though he knew it was foolish to hate someone who carried no romantic or sexual desires for anyone. Deciding to take a step and do something incredibly stupid, Spencer grabbed Ian's hand and pulled him forward, sending him a bright smile. "I'm sure they'll love someone like you. You're just what they've been looking for." With a swift wrist jerk, Spencer bounded for the swamp.

"What do you mean they're witches"? Ian asked. Spencer smirked as he caressed the symbols on the door. A circle with a downwards star gleamed in the dark wood. Red candles aligned the walkway as dried pomegranate juice dripped softly down the cracks. "Ask them yourself." He pushed the star and stepped back as it clicked into formation, shooting the door open. "Spencer! Leaf"! A shrill voice called out as a group of button nosed freckled spotted witches leaned from their salon chairs and silver mirrors. He felt the air become bubbly and precise with the women surrounding him. A crowd of stunning black women surrounded the three mostly- teenagers. Spencer knew them as family. Witches that left the now occurring trials of their homes and races. That ran under the moon goddess and corn fields of fate. With new born babies with their mouths covered with blankets to hush the crying and luggage only full enough to not shake and rattle under the silence of the night. They used their magical abilities to now- like the elf nation, help people. With enchanted scissors and spray bottles, they can change your appearance into any way you wish. Turn a feeble bump into an Adams apple and hooded eyes into shining ones.

But their specialty is mostly hair. Gorgeous big lips and hooped earrings jiggled with their head movements. "Who is this cutie pie and why does he look like he just saw the dead rise up"? The eldest woman stepped forward and placed her wrinkly fingers on the side of Ian's face, making Spencer's heart tug with jealousy. With a sudden jerk of her hands, her face drained of color. Spencer's brows furrowed with curiosity as he tethered his gaze to the woman's blank eyes as her sisters surrounded the poor woman, urging her to sit and recharge her energy. "You poor boy. What did she do to you"? Her whispers were shaky and tearfilled as the other witches casted side glances and respectable bows to Spencer. Leaf pushed their hair to the front of their pointed ears and calmly dragged Ian's arm to an empty chair. "That's the Oracle." Spencer heard Leaf whisper. "She can see your uh- past."

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