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An alarm filled the room as groans were heard from the bed." kacchan....wake up" broccoli boy whispered while gently shaking Bakugou ."no..." he sleepily said "I'm tired" "I don't care get up we have our first day of 2A today "izuku said while giggling . He slowly picked up a pillow and started hitting the angry pompom on the head with it.
The bottom groaned and started pathetically trying to push the pillow away. Suddenly he had an idea..."please stop daddy~"
Everything stopped. The tops laughing, katsuki being hit with the pillow , everything.
"what did you just call me~"
That voice...
Kat had fucked up now."n-not now i-izuku i need t-to walk for s-school"he managed to stutter out. The blond had sudden rush of confidence "plus~you can fuck me as hard as you want on thursday~"
You see thursday waS there wedding and it was gonna be the most magical day of their lives.
Sorry guys it was so short but this waa just a filler so that i can go straight into the tea next chapter

Have pride for your sexuality!
Yourself is enough!
BYE !!!

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