chapter 6

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(Tarrence's work schedule ^)

Tarrence POV:

"You smell like grass, are you smoking or something, " Valentine asked with a tone I didn't quite get.
How did he smell that even tho I made sure to put on a lot of perfume and use dry shampoo so people don't smell anything as I didn't have the time to take a bath.

"I don't see how this is any of your business " It came off a bit harsher than I expected it to. But I mean really, did he expect me to act like everything is rainbows and paradise?
I tried to brush off his arm that was resting on my shoulders, but his arm is too heavy and I was too weak.

He noticed my struggle and luckily let go. Taking a step back

I turned around when I got everything I needed

A crimson-red Blush spread across his face. I looked at him confused.

"What in the world are you wearing " he took off his fluffy forest green sweater and put it on me

"What are you doing? There is nothing wrong with what lm wearing " I said

" what if someone wanted something from you ?" He said while finally closing the sweater

"Then it's Noone of you're business, again" I opened the sweater. I was glad he gave me his sweater but I wasn't going to say that. I just imagine how embarrassing it'd be if someone recognized that it's his, they'll think in the completely wrong way.

As I was slipping it off he gently took my hand and I froze up. Time seemed to slow down and we had the longest eye contact I've had with anyone. I couldn't help but notice our ridiculous
Height difference. I'm 5,6 while he is about 6,2. He's basically a giant. I probably look like a child next to him.

His usual smirk appeared back on his lips and I noticed the jacket was zipped up, his vanilla scent hit my nose.

"What the fu*k just happen? When did you zip the sweater back up ?! Besides its way too huge for me it looks like a dress " I was ready to take off the jacked when he stopped me

"No, you'll keep it on, it's way too cold for you to walk around like this, you'll get sick "he stated. I can't deny that it indeed is cold out but he's being overdramatic.

"Why do you even care so much about it? It's my body and I wear what I want to. If I want to walk around in a hoody in summer I will do so, if I want to go around looking like a whore I will do so and you don't have a say in it." I said annoyed
He seemed to notice his behaviour and didn't say anything.

"Whatever just keep the jacket on, please," he said when his smirk dropped. He looked kinda disappointed, I quickly feel guilty but I snapped out of it as soon as the feeling came.

It became awkward and I didn't know if I should take the sweater

"Uhm...Whatever, let's just get to class I guess" I said awkwardly

As we were walking to class, I saw him glance at me and when I looked back at him he looked the other way
It was kinda embarrassing to think that I'm wearing his sweater but at least I'm not freezing I guess

When we finally arrived in history class he opened the door with his free hand, as I didn't have a free hand to do it myself. I can say that I trust him a bit more than yesterday when you consider that I hesitated to walk through a door that he held open

I sat at the farthest end of the classroom exactly next to the window. Valentine of course followed me and sat next to me. I might be hallucinating but I swear I heard someone gasp when he sat down. Many people know that he's been bullying me with his friends for about 7 months but they didn't dare to do anything because they know very well that his father is a really powerful person and he can fire many of their parents if he wanted.

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