He spread false rumours of Xu Sheng's sexual orientation. Then, Xiao Chen united with Wang Tong and Bai Qiaoqiao to humiliate Xu Sheng in the bathroom.

The person Xu Sheng hated the most was unquestionably Xiao Chen!

He had killed Xiao Chen by linchi!

One cut after another.

Even if the director didn't shoot it all, it was disgusting enough.

How could Gao Xuhan dare to approach him? In the movie, Xu Sheng deliberately made him the last one in order to torment him. The people who died fast were basically those who were close to Xiao Chen. Xu Sheng used this method to play with Xiao Chen's mind, refusing to let him die peacefully.

Gao Xuhan cried. She was too naive! How could a ghost be a good thing? What ghost wife? What love between a ghost and a human? How could these be more important than her life?

Xiao Chen realized that her emotional state was weird. He frowned, and the girls around him looked at each other. Ultimately, they all dispersed to search for clues again.

There were only two hours. In this time that would decide life or death, no one had the mood to go and comfort Gao Xuhan.

When Wang Tong brought people into the library, he appeared cold and tired. His whole body exuded a bloody air.

Xiao Chen peeked at the large team behind him. Everyone stared at Wang Tong with extreme fear. No one dared to be near him, and Wang Tong himself understood that.

Last night, it might not have been Wang Tong who personally killed the two people.

Wang Tong saw Xiao Chen instantly when he entered. His eyes widened, but he had mixed feelings and didn't approach Xiao Chen.

Of course, everyone else had also noticed Xiao Chen. When they thought of the rumors between him and Xu Sheng, they were alarmed.

"Holy cow, the library is so big! What can we find?"

"Right, this clue is too useless. There isn't any light, so we can't even read the words properly!"

"Shut up!" Hearing people secretly complaining, Wang Tong sent sharp daggers towards them with his sight. Immediately, they were quiet.

Xiao Chen observed as the group aimlessly and messily flipped pages. He stopped walking.

His shadow was cast onto the floor by the weak moonlight. But the him in the shadow was in a different position. The distinction was very subtle, and if he hadn't unconsciously looked down, he wouldn't have found this at all!

The sole difference was that the index finger of his left hand in the shadow pointed to someone.

Chapter 9

Xiao Chen was shocked. He looked towards the place the finger pointed to.

It was near the window, with bookshelves almost completely blocking the view. He couldn't see that clearly, and could only vaguely detect that there was a rather petite, short-haired girl.

Observing this distant figure, Xiao Chen already had an incredible guess in his mind.

The short-haired girl's eyes didn't move as she intently flipped through the books, even pulling her own hair in irritation.

Xiao Chen walked to her step by step, finally being able to discern the girl's face under the faint light--it was the leader of the group of girls he had met earlier!

What was going on?

His heart beat faster, and he felt that this situation was unimaginable.

He hadn't known the girl for a long time, but he could tell that her temperament was very firm. She was logical and had her own ideas. Xiao Chen found it hard to believe that someone like her would bully Xu Sheng. How could she be a sinner?

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