Hamster Treats!

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Since my last chapter was about food for hamsters, I thought talking about treats for them would be good next!

There are so many treats out there---from homemade "salads" for hamsters, to yogurt drops from Petsmart. Although I cannot name all the treats that there are to choose from, I will just name some basic treats that are available at pet stores:

Yogurt drops

Seeds (usually in the bird section, but can be fed to hamsters.)

Millet (seeds)

Mealworms (very tasty AND pretty healthy!)

Nuts (visit safe food list to find out more)

Homemade treats (you can find many tutorials on YouTube)

Fruits and vegetables (once again, you should check the list of safe foods in the last chapter for more info.) Fruits and veggies are actually great as treats!

There isn't really much more to talk about (about treats :) ) but there are a few more things that are important about picking the right treats, and scheduling "treat time" so that your hamster can still have a balanced and healthy diet.

First of all, it's very important to always check the ingredients and guaranteed analysis on the back of the package of your treats. Almost all store bought treats are full of sugar, and sometimes full of fat, too. Although these treats are okay for your hamster, you should only feed it to them occasionally, and occasionally being one every couple days. (This is a good system for popular but sugary treats like yogurt drops.) This ties in with the second thing any hamster owner should be aware of,
and that is making sure that your hamster is eating all the food in his/her food dish. It is also important that treats are only fed once a day at the most.

In my next chapter, I will talk about taming hamsters! Stay tuned for more! :)

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