"Umm, okay, hold on while I call someone who cares." Brad imitates a phone with his hands as he really doesn't care, "Ring, ring, ring! Uhh! Guess what, dude? No answer. NEXT IN LINE!" 

However, The man looks down and spots Grey Matter, who runs away and hides. "Did you see that?! An alien! Maybe a remnant of that fateful crash."

"Dude, you've been in the sun way too long." but the man went after Graymatter. 

"Hey, no cuts!" Brad tries to run after, but his tied shoelaces trip him. Grey Matter runs to the front of the slide, where Gwen is about to go down. "Hey! Race ya to the bottom!" They both slide down and Greymatter yells with excitement as he flies through the tunnels. He eventually splashes in the ending pool. "Now, that rocked!"

He sees Gwen's big shadow above him, screams, and swims out of the way before she comes splashing down on him. They both resurface, with Gwen being a bit upset.

Gwen: "Grandpa's not going to like you going alien just to sneak on a ride!"

Grandpa Max "That's why I'm not going to tell him. In a few minutes, I'll be back to normal, and he'll never know, will he?"

"Gwen," Y/n called from the side of the pool, "when do I get my snacks!"

"Coming," then Gwen turns to Ben. 

Gwen: "We gotta towel off. Or, in your case, "napkin off." 

As she leaves the pool, the man from early rises out of the water behind him. His hand picks up Greymatter from under. 

The Guy: "There you are, my little alien ticket to fame"

Grey Matter: "Gwen! Y/n!"

They turn around to see a man grabbing Graymatter.

Y/n: "Great." ¬_¬

Gwen: "Let him go!" 

The man runs out of the pool and Gwen and Y/n chase after him. The man throws Grey Matter into a nearby lunchbox and takes off with it and runs past Grandpa Max, who happily carries three ice cream cones. Gwen and Y/n ran to Grandpa Max's side.

Gwen: "Grandpa, that guy's got, Grey Matter!" 

Grandpa Max throws the ice creams in the garbage and gives chase.

Inside the lunch box, Grey Matter gets jostled around while calling out for Gwen and Y/n. The man sees Gwen, Y/n, and Grandpa Max behind him and runs through a crowd of people. Grandpa Max runs out of breath and stops. 

Grandpa: "I keep forgetting I'm not as young as I used to be. Go!"

The man is in his parked green car.

He puts the lunch box in the trunk and gets in. As Gwen and Y/n get to the parking lot, the car drives past them. "We really need to give him a leash."

Max catches up. 

Grandpa Max: "Don't worry. We'll find him...somehow."


The rust buck speeds through town.

Gwen: "Okay, so if he's Grey Matter now, he'll just turn back into Ben, then go Four Arms or something and escape." 

Grandpa Max" But if you said he went alien when he did, Ben should have changed back before he was taken." 

Y/n: "Or he messes up the watch that makes him stuck that way."

Gwen: "Well, at least as Grey Matter, he's smart." 

Then Gwen's phone rings.

Gwen: "Hello?"

Grey Matter: "Gwen, it's me!"

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