he was a soft porn kinda boy

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he was a soft porn kinda boy.
the kinda boy to stay the whole night, romantic lover boy.
real tears boy, chemically imbalanced boy, told to be a tougher boy.
a once-dreamt boy with the face features of a man within boy-hood.
a real man boy, the kind of boy to get what he wants.
do you see that boy, the boy who walks past the beauty standard.
notebook boy, rolling stones boy, long haired boy.
pens never working boy, december 4th boy.
the type of boy to collect, collection of trinkets boy.
a self-proclaimed kinda boy, a self-made lana boy.
the kinda of boy to talk to the walls, expect the walls are men of boys.
your no good for me kinda boy, the nowhere else to run boy.

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