Chapter 9: a few years later

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Virgil's business got big, mainly because Patton bought a lot of things for Remus from there and he was the mayor's son. Janus and Virgil now live together; they're dating. Logan and Roman are also dating. Remus and Patton eventually fell in love and started dating.

All was well in Manburg and the surrounding areas. There weren't as many fairy hunters, most creatures got along and our protagonists were happy and safe. Their stories could now be happily ended with a nice bow on top right here. This very moment. I mean every question has been answered ,hasn't it? There are no more questions to ask.

Well, their stories don't end here because there's still one last question to ask. What about the future? And to that, dear reader, I say: are you sure you want to know? Wouldn't you be happier just knowing that they lived happily ever after? Would you really want to ruin that perfect, happy ending with the truth?

I suppose you would, right? You want to know what happens next, you know there's no such thing as a 'happily ever after', you're curious to see how their stories really ended. Well, you know what they say, curiosity killed the cat ( but satisfaction brought it back).

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