2) shape shifted

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Lyla was currently running in the woods away from the hunters when she bumped into Issac quickly catching her balance.

"Issac" Lyla said, and he looked at her. "What is it what's wrong" Lyla asked him. "My dad is dead" Issac said. "What" Lyla said. "I didn't do it" Issac said.

"I believe you" Lyla said and then arrows came flying. "Come on" Issac said grabbing her hand getting on his bike with Lyla going as fast as he can.


"Derek, Derek" Issac yelled as Lyla and Issac ran in the train station. "What's wrong" Derek asked. "My dad I think he's dead" Issac said and Derek came closer.

"What did you do" Derek asked. "That's the thing It wasn't me" Issac said and then Derek looked at Lyla and Issac holding hands giving Issac a look. Issac immediately let go of Lyla's hand.

"Would you chill" Lyla asked. "He saved me from the hunters trying to kill me for who knows what" Lyla told Derek.

"You okay" Derek asked her. "Yeah" Lyla said, and Derek motioned for her to go to him, and Lyla rolled her eyes before doing so.

"Why are they trying to kill me and why do they think I'm dangerous" Lyla asked. "I don't know but I will find out" Derek said.


Lyla was currently at lacrosse practice keeping a watch on Issac due to Derek's request.

When practice started, she saw Scott was goalie and he knocked someone down sniffing them. Scott did this a few more times till he reached Issac knocking them both down.

Then the police showed up taking Isaac. Lyla ran out of school after classes was over with Scott behind her, but she was too late as they drove off with Issac.

"Lyla" Scott said. "Hey" Lyla said. "You knew" Scott asked her. "Yeah, Derek told me" Lyla said.

"Why didn't you tell me" Scott asked. "And ruin the show of you acting like a nut job" Lyla said and then Derek pulled up.

"Get in" Derek said and when Scott tried to stop Lyla, she shoved him to the wall surprising both him and Derek. "I can go where I want" Lyla told Scott before getting in Derek's car.

"Are you serious you did that, that's your fault" Scott said. "I know that now get in the car and help us" Derek said.

"Us Lyla you're with him" Scott asked. "Issac saved me it be a shame if I didn't do the same" Lyla said. "No, I've got a better idea I'm gonna call a lawyer because a lawyer might actually have a chance of getting him out before the moon goes up" Scott said.

"Not when they do a real search of the house" Derek said. "What do you mean" Scott asked. "Whatever my brother said to the cops what's in the house is worse" Lyla said.

"A lot worse" Derek added and Scott got in the back and then Derek took off.


Lyla, Derek, and Scott made it to Issacs's house Derek tried to get Lyla to stay in the car, but she refused.

"If Isaac didn't kill his father who did" Scott asked. "Someone else obviously" Lyla said sarcastically. "We don't know yet" Derek said.

"Then how do you know he's telling the truth" Scott asked. "Because I trust my senses and it's a combination of them not just your sense of smell" Derek said.

"You saw the lacrosse thing today" Scott asked. "Yeah" Derek said. "Did it look that bad" Scott asked. "Yeah" Derek said. "Extremely" Lyla added, and they reached to the door of the basement.

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