Chapter 3 - One-Sided

Start from the beginning

Marco stands there, stunned. "What the heck did I get myself into?! She's not some strange foreigner she's a psychopath, a magical psychopath that probably doesn't know what she's doing is bad, she'll probably end up destroying the world!" Marco's thoughts accelerate as he thinks of a way to escape her smiley gaze. 

"Well, that brings us to the end of our tour! I'm going home now." He says nonchalantly, trying to hide his fear and end the interaction as quickly as he can.

"Bye, New Friend! See you tomorrow! Bye! Bye, new friend! See you later!" Star shouts over to Marco as the building catches fire from the charred rainbow.

Marco quickly turns away from his fake smile as he lifts his hood and runs away from Star. Hoping he wouldn't have to deal with her ever again, maybe she can just go back to whatever alien meteor she crawled out of and give the human race a break from her 'monster-fly' spells.

[Time Skip 20 minutes]

"I can't believe it!" Marco thinks to himself, lifting a heavy chest up the stairs into his house's spare room. "I can't believe I'm stuck with an alien princess as my roommate!" Marco was more annoyed and furious than scared of Star at that point, she had just waltzed up in his life with no say from him, it had to be him that gets the new and oblivious exchange student, not to mention the fact she's literally an ALIEN PRINCESS WITH MAGICAL POWERS!

His parents took the happy-go-lucky attitude of the alien princess a little too lightly, not to mention the spells! It's like they didn't take anything seriously! "Ugh, why can't I just have a normal life with normal people? Me! The misunderstood bad boy! My life the way I want it, not some Safe Kid who didn't have a choice in his own path!" Marco growled at his thoughts, still tugging the chest up the stairs to Star's new room. Looking basically like his own room, just with dustier floorboards and empty drawers (although that was about to change).

"Here's your new room!" Marco grunts in relief as he finally pushes Star's luggage onto the stable second floor. Quickly regretting that decision as he slams the heavy chest onto his foot. "Ow!" He yelps.

Star ponders as she observes the room, "Okay... I can work with this." She quickly jumps up and gasps before shouting out a one-liner. "SPARKLE GLITTER BOMB EXPAND!"

Suddenly the house shakes, and rainbows fly out the windows as it grows out a tower from the roof, a few floors high.

The new room resembled a castle loft; It had Star's bed in the middle end with a closet in the right corner and a spiral staircase leading up to other floors, including a bathroom at the top, it was like a five-star hotel!

"Woah..." Marco says in awe, jaw dropped.

Star takes no notice of Marco's reaction as she comments proudly, "Ahhh... That's better!"

"I wish I had a room like this." Marco thinks aloud, not realizing the consequences of his actions.

Star stops jumping as she immediately turns to Marco, "You do?!"

"Huh?" Marco questions as he gets pulled by Star to his room's door.

Once they make it to the bedroom Star conjures another spell directly in the middle of Marco's room, "MYSTIC ROOM SUCK TRANSFORM!" Just then a black vortex opens up in Marco's room, swiftly sucking everything in.

Marco and Star scream in terror, trying not to get scooped up by the black hole. They reach for the door as Marco pushes Star out, causing the door to close quickly as they both had their hands on it, also both backs against it.

Marco starts, standing up from the floor, "Suck?!" He shouts in rage. "SUCK?! Why was the word SUCK in that spell?!" He demands Star give him a straight answer.

"IDontKnowItJustCameOutThatWay!" She panics and mushes her words together.

Marco groans obviously as he facepalms, "This was insane, not only has this 'princess' gone into my life uninvited, but she also just ruined everything for me, is this some trick she's playing?! It's like she messes everything up on purpose!" He gives himself a few seconds to reflect on his emotions as Star interrupts his mind games.

"I'm sorry Marco. Uh..." She quickly thinks of a way to make him feel better. "How about a little sunshine to brighten your day?" Star proclaims ironically, as she creates a small sun from her wand that floats above Marco.

The sunshine quickly fails as it turns into a storm cloud and forcefully rains atop Marco. This was the final straw. "Aw..." Star says awkwardly.

"I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE! If you're moving in, I am moving out!" Marco announces as he jumps out the window and groans in pain, however he didn't feel much, there was too much frustration and anger choking up his nerves to feel much pain, not to mention what he actually said about moving out, where would he even live? Those questions weren't important to him right now.

"Are you ok?!" Star shouts as she reaches to the window and peers down to see Marco entwined in a cacophony of cacti, "Ouch..." She imagines his pain.

"Luckily the cactuses broke my fall." Marco pushes out, in a slightly whimpering voice thanks to the spines.

"Do you need any help?" Star asks worried about her new friend.

"Ouch!" Marco says mistakenly aloud, "I'm fine!" He lies, in a fit of anger, also a fit of pain, "Just leave me alone!" Star watches as Marco shakily walks off, picking out the spines from the cacti penetrating him, still being poured on by the cloud spell, before pounding out of view.

 Star runs back and forth to the window, racing to decide if she should leave him alone like he said, or help him out and say she's sorry. She didn't want to make him madder with her presence. Maybe...

 "Oh. That's it." She frowns, thinking to herself, staring out the window at Marco's disappearing shadow against the pavement. "It's my fault for all this, I'm so stupid for not realizing sooner. It's best if I just go find a different family. For Marco...

...But first, I need to go apologize."

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