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She's up mommy and asking for you, I cried to my momma 3 weeks later.
My nieces was fine, their home with their daddy. His momma was really good with them so my momma felt it was good for them to have them until we figure out what was going on with Godiva.
Umm she was scaring everyone, for a week her vitals was low, like they was saying she was slowing dying but then the next week she was doing good .

Crying on my knees, I am so happy she's up .

Being told to leave the room, the doctors examined her body and her vitals . Seeing them put her on restraints, I was getting upset.

Why the fuck y'all putting her in restraints I cried going back into the room as the nurse grabs me.
Ma'am she's being put in restraints because she's trying to pull the tubes out her mouth, she cannot just do that, we have to ween her off the tubes, she tells me as I'm crying and looking at her .

2 pm
Momma here and Exie here, umm I didn't know if I should call Ivan or not so I called his momma. He did come see her and check on her but I felt they wasn't together so I shouldn't expect nothing from him. But he was a good as daddy, then girls was so happy. He did bring them to see her once a week and my momma brought her other two all the time and Sir was even here when she first went into the coma, that nigga looked like he was sick, he stayed the first week , I had to give it to him.

Watching the doctors remove the tubes , she been off the ventilator, so that was gone.
This bitch gonna fight me when she's better, hoe don't your ever try me like this again.

6 months later
I don't know what happened, just knew my blood pressure drop and I was out cold .

I came home 5 months ago and I was doing good. I was in love with my kids all four of them.
Sir and I finally talked after my sister told me he was there and we agreed to be cool for our kids and he apologized.

The relationship with Ivan was different.
We co parent very good, umm sex was involved but we wasn't together. He was still upset about the fight and he told me he would never want to beat me up and he didn't want me to never touch him again . So we was a little rocky because he had his guards up.

Pulling up to his moms house, today she wanted her grandkids and my momma wanted my oldest two . I was back doing hair but today I was going to dinner with my sister and this girl name Samantha and Exie.
Oh Goddess wasn't playing with me, I was now on blood thinner because it was a clot that had me all fucked up. She made sure I took my meds and she ain't play with me at all. She was like my momma , they pushed me .

As I'm getting the kids out the car, I ain't know if Ivan was here or not, we haven't talked today because I went out two nights ago and danced and the shit got back to him and he said I was trying to show how thick I was, like I ain't get him, nigga I was this thick when we first got together, I don't know he's stupid and what to play like he's my man then say it's not. Whatever !

Move out the way let me get my babies, he out of no where says as I am getting pulled away from my car by him.

Looking at him as he undid the girls, this nigga got on my nerves. Taking both of them in their car seats out my car, he was baby talking to them.

Grabbing their bags. I rolled my eyes as I followed him into his momma house.
Oh I love Icy. She was so pretty and her souls was just good and welcoming .
She was happy about her twins , she stayed buying them stuff.

It smelt so good in her house, she was always cooking .
Hey pretty girl she cooed as she looked at me.
Hi ma how are you? I replied as I hugged her. I'm good pretty, what you up to? I asked as his father take the girls out of their seat.

Cooking and cleaning, so ready to spend the weekend with my babies . Lil Ivan don't like spending time with me, she says as Lil Ivan walked in.
Hey babe, I cooed hugging him. This was my boy to, our little time together I got to know him just like Ivan got to know my kids and my kids are fucked up about him and I love his son also and now that I have his only siblings he's happy.

Okay so I'll see you later, I said as I kissed both girls .

Okay pretty, she says as I walked to the door.

What you doing tonight? Ivan says as I walked off the porch.
Why? I asked .
How you know I ain't want to take you out? He says.

Because you don't like me like that, I'm only good in the bed , remember you just told me that two nights ago.
Man shut up , you know I'm fucked up about your fine ass, he say as he grabs me hardly by the waist.
I'm taking you out tonight, go get prettier so ah nigga can show you off, he says as he's lip to lip with me.

I had plans with my sisters and them but I'll cancel for him.

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