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❛❛ I kept quiet...but I always knew ❜❜

━━━━━⋅⋅⋅ˏˋ ✦ ˊˎ⋅⋅⋅━━━━━


━ AT NIGHT, Y/n was inside her room but as soon they turned the page of the book she paused and stared at the old black-and-white picture

Y/n's eyes softened and they get the picture as they stared at it "Ha... Remember the day Where I tripped on the rock and fell into the mud" A smile started to form on her lips while staring down at the picture "It's the first day you ever smiled... And it was also the last day I will ever see you" Y/n closed her eyes and chuckled

Y/n slowly stands up and opened her secret door but when she opened it her eyes slightly widened when she still see Wednesday sitting and continue writing, memories started to come up to her Mind

"Hey, Wednesday! *Yawn* You continue that?" Y/n leaned to the wall while staring at Wednesday who wasn't paying attention to her instead continuing her work Y/n couldn't help to laugh "You know you kinda remind me of someone" y/n didn't take her eyes off of Wednesday

CREAKkk..... Y/n turn her head and met blue eyes from Enid "Enid? It was-" Enid quickly covered Y/n's mouth "SSHH! I'll explain to you later" Enid whispered to Y/n who only smiled, Enid slowly take her hands off Y/n's Mouth

"Eugh..." Enid wiped Y/n's saliva to a tissue "Not my fault you are the one who put your hands on my mouth" Y/n shrugged then Wednesday stops typing... Enid Quickly turn her head and look at the (H/c) hair girl

Y/n raised a brow "What?" Y/n crossed her arms, Enid Cleared her throat then Looked away from Y/n while Wednesday goes back to writing "I-I gotta Go... And Sleep, Goodnight Y/n, and Wednesday" Enid yawn while walking towards her Bed

"Goodnight Enid! But I probably won't sleep yet if Wednesday wasn't going to sleep" Wednesday stops and turn her heels and Stands Up but when she stands up she noticed how Tall Y/n was

"Oh. You're going to do your death sleep?" Wednesday glared at her "May I ask if you heard about people's space?" Y/n did a fake thinking pose and then nodded "then stay away from me" Wednesday walked past Y/n then a few minutes she slept

Y/n soften her gaze to Wednesday and sighed as she looks up at the ceiling she mumbled... "You also says the same thing when we met..."

╰┈➤ ❝ 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍 ❞ wednesday & enid sinclair x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now