42: Smoothing Things Over

Start from the beginning

I'm seriously getting worried for their safety and wished dad would take them in. But as I said before, he isn't in the right state of mind to have other people in the house. He might have his moments of being a good dad but those quickly vanish when we mention the Davenports. It's like his trigger word. I gotta ask him or Douglas what is his history with Mr. D.

"Look who's out of hiding."

I jumped at the voice from behind me. Dad walked over the counter I had been leaning on and pour himself a cup of coffee.

Nope, can't do it. I began to walk back to the stairs but was stopped.

"Stay. I wanna talk to you."

I sighed and took a seat on one of the chairs. Dad took the seat opposite of mine. He took a sip out of him coffee and kept his gaze on the cup. I did the same with the orange juice he handed me.

"Why?" Dad asked, taking another sip of his black coffee.

I contemplated whether if it was the right move to explain why or just take his anger. I fidgeted in my seat and made up my mind. "... They were the first people to welcome me to Mission Creek. Over time that guilt kinda eats away at you. I couldn't anymore."

I clenched my jaw awaiting his screams. Dad was always the type to make me cry when he raised his voice. He only ever does it when we fuck up big time. Mom was usually the one that punished us even with her soft nature. She was the more strict and discipline parent. If mom were to yell at me I would get upset. I would want to scream back but knew not to. With dad, I couldn't contain tears. I've noticed that over the past years. There just were certain people I can't keep a strong facade with.

"I get that. You know, Donald, Douglas, and I were much like you and those other twerps back in Philly." Dad told, his lip twitched upward a bit, "We were inseparable. Had this future plan for us but Douglas was the one to ruin that. I was with Donny for a while, on his side, but, that son of a bitch switched on me. Cops came one day, got scared and ratted me out. I gave him the benefit of the doubt considering he had the kids, but he took all the credit and became a self-absorbed billionaire."

Dad glanced at me before looking back at his cup. I didn't know what to say letting his story sink in. This wasn't how I imagined our talk to go.

"You know, who got me out?"


"Douglas." Dad confirmed. "I hated him at first. Truly did. But I hated Donald more at the time."

"Do you regret being with Douglas, now?"

"No. Because unlike Donald. He hasn't betrayed me yet."

I've always known about dad's beliefs. One main one being loyalty. He didn't tolerate unfaithfulness or liars, which ironically enough, I happened to be one.

"I'm sorry for pushing my hatred for Donald on you. I have nothing against his kids. Douglas's the one that wants them, them being his children and all."

"Do you know what he's going to do with them?" I asked.

"No he won't tell me." Dad scoffed and shook his head. "Look, squirt, I'm truly sorry for making you go against them. If I could take that back I would, but it's too late, isn't it?"

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