Donatello | Softshell

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He finished. Everyone's faces showed fear and worry, even Donnie was freaked out.

"They told that to kids?! Man, the future is harsh." Mikey held his head and slid lower on his seat.

"I'm not gonna let that happen. We need to get into Metro Tower without being spotted. We'll take the subway tunnels." Leo told everyone.

"Subway tunnels don't offer much in a way of an escape if we need it. Are you sure about this?" Donnie asked, trying to concentrate on the road and Leo's words. Mikey and Y/N peeked their heads over their seats to face Leo.

"Yeah, maybe we should..." Leo cut off Mikey.

"Guys, we're doing it my way. Remember?"

Mikey sat correctly in his seat, he turned to Donnie and gave him a concerned look. Y/N was rubbing her thumb on her other thumb, nervously. She didn't want her friends to be taken by the kraang. She didn't notice Donnie put his hand over hers, he was still facing the road. She smiled softly and lean her head on her seat and sighed in relief.

The Turtle Tank was driving inside the subway tunnels, on the train rails.

"See? Smooth sailing. We'll have Raph in no time." Leo said.

"I hope he's okay. How are we gonna find him once we get there?" Mikey asked, rubbing his hands nervously.

"I have a lot of questions regarding "once we get there."" Donnie said, looking at Leo.

"Relax guys. We'll do what we always do. Ninja in, ninja their faces, ninja out." Leo said.

"That's exactly how you freed all those families from the kraang labour camp," Casey said.

"Yeah, that sounds like me," Leo said, crossing his arms. Y/N peeked her head cover her seat and looked at Casey, wanting to hear more.

"In the future, you guys are beyond amazing. The mystic powers you're able to harness are on a whole other level." Casey explained. Donnie jumped out of the driver's seat and put it instantly on autopilot.

"Of course!" Donnie began to speak really quickly. He wrapped his arms around Y/N. "What about our future? Don't let me down. I expecting big things from me. How many Nobel prizes do I have?" Donnie quickly sat back in the driver seat, hands behind his head and his legs on the steering wheel. "Don't tell me. I wanna be surprised." Y/N giggled at his behaviour.

"Donnie, you were the most brilliant innovative mind of all time." He turned to Y/N. "Y/N, you made wicked gear along side Donatello."

"I'm shocked. I am. Go on, continue to meet my expectations." Donnie said, his eyes closed, wanting to hear more about him.

"What do I do in the future?" Mikey asked, his eyes sparkling with excitement. Casey grabbed Mikey's hands.

"You are the most powerful mystic warrior the world has ever known. With those two hands, you send me back in time." Casey said. Mikey lift up his hands and stared at them in awe.


Mikey raised his arms in front of him and tried to unlock his powers. Casey frowned as an image of Mikey, winking at him and fading away completely. Casey looked around at his friends and sighed. He needed to tell them what actually happened.

"Actually, there is something I should tell you." He was interrupted when the turtle tank halted suddenly. Leo, Y/N and Mikey fell out of their chairs. Donnie's face slammed on the windshield. Casey lost his balance but got his footing right.

"Auto brake engaged." The turtle tank said.

Donnie removed his face from the windshield and looked through the glass.

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