She'd go back for easter anyway.

"No, I'm staying here. What about you?"

"I'm definitely staying, holidays at my house are hell," Charlie groaned, stretching his arms above his head. "I mean, my parents are bloody awful anyway, but they need to get a divorce soon before I go deaf with all the shouting... I swear my hearings getting worse."

Carmilla chuckled, and folded over the corner of her textbook on herbology once she found the page she needed for her next report.

Charlie was in the same position as Ace, if that meant anything. 

A loud shush came from the old librarian's station as the quiet lull over the desks and aisles in the library were interrupted by a few loud Gryffindor's.

It didn't take long to figure out who they were. Carmilla's ears heard the footsteps run up behind her before they stopped. She quickly gave up all hope of starting her report. She could do it at breakfast before the lesson she had to hand it in. Everyone knew that's when students did the best work.



"Can you please stop calling me prongs? It's actually catching on!"

"Is that chocolate?"

"It's a great nickname," Carmilla said, and slid over a wrapped chocolate frog to Remus, who took it gratefully and sat down with them, pulling a wobbly drawing of a horse thing with wings and a beak. Peter took a frog as well. He had another giant plant pot in his arms. It was wiggling around. The plant. Not the pot. 

"What's he doing here?" Sirius wrinkled his nose at Charlie, who had also given up on homework and was helping himself to the slowly disappearing chocolate pile.

Carmilla stared at Sirius. "We're studying... Sort of."

James glanced down at Charlies tie as well, and the Slytherin boy just shifted under all of their stares. She watched his hands literally shake as he signed off his essay on a laughing potion.

"Is he making you do his homework? Prick." James muttered in Charlie's direction.

"I think you should leave now." Carmilla said through gritted teeth, her eyes not wavering from the desk in front of her. She figured she shouldn't make a scene out of her friends sudden turn of heart. There were two chocolate frogs left. Her book was open on a page about spiked roses. Her eye twitched.

Remus looked between her and James, but he didn't defend Charlie from the accusations either.

"Ha! Now piss off, snake boy." James said, leaning on the table casually. As if he wasn't literally a bully. "Take you're scaley ass somewhere else and stop using our friend."

Carmilla stood up. She turned around. She punched him in the jaw.

Before she could even bring her fist back to punch him again someone was pulling her back forcefully, arms around her waist.

She was picked up, somehow, and through the white noise in Carmilla's ears she heard Peter shrieking behind her. Something shattered. Remus dumped her to the side, and she shoved him out of the way, still clawing at the shocked Gryffindor, but she couldn't reach him anymore.

James was holding his face. The chocolates were on the floor next to her overturned chair.

The old librarian appeared behind them quickly, grabbing Carmilla and James by the scruff of their necks and dragging them to the door like naughty pets or little girls. Carmilla couldn't see much until the teacher let go of them, slamming the double doors behind her with a glare.

Cherry Lips // s. blackWhere stories live. Discover now