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Carmilla set off across the grounds of Hogwarts, weaving between the greenhouses and groups of friends that were scattered leisurely across the lawn.

The weather in autumn was unpredictable, but the slowly browning leaves created a nice view of the forest. There were also pumpkins growing around Hagrid's hut, but she didn't know what they were for.

Luckily, she was able to come to tea. June had hurriedly written an essay about shield spells for Professor Montgomery under Carmilla's name. She had done all the actual work around it, and the fact she had already used a shield spell that week helped, she just couldn't write. 

Carmilla knocked on the large wooden door and was quickly let in by Hagrid.

His hut was nice, a little fireplace and two lumpy couches to one side and a kitchen bench with lots of pots and pans hanging above it. A large bed was at the back, hidden from view by the collections of dried herbs and garlics hanging from the roof. 

The windows were open to let the warm breeze in, and the flowerpot she had knocked over a few days prior had been righted.

"Carmilla, how'yer?" Hagrid asked gruffly, fumbling with the hissing teapot on the coffee table.

"Good. I like Hogwarts." She said simply, helping find some cups in the kitchen. There was a transparent brown one and one that looked like a dragon egg with its top cut off. "I don't like some of the teachers though."

"The defence bloke?" Hagrid asked, knocking the flowerpot over himself. He righted it and Carmilla carried the cups over to the coffee table. "Well, you've only gottem for the year, so you'll be fine."

She sat down on the couch with a huff. "He gave me a detention. Me and Sirius had to clean the floors... Can't he just use magic?"

"Black? Stay away from those blokes, they'll only get you in trouble," Hagrid advised, and filled up the dragon egg mug for her. "Merlin knows you don't need any more o' dat this year."

"What do you mean trouble?"

Hagrid shook his head. He was flushed. "Nuffin', you said you got a detention didn't ya?"

Carmilla took the tea and didn't press anymore. He probably didn't want to mention her teething problem where someone could listen in. The tea smelt like the gardens outside his window and the crunchy brown leaves everywhere and banana bread all at the same time, somehow. She looked out his window. "Why are you growing pumpkins?"

Hagrid's eyes twinkled. She could tell he was proud of the massive vegetables. "For Halloween. Decorations for the feast, and Sluggy's asked for some for his ball specifically."

"Mistress Theeny always said it was the devil's holiday," Carmilla muttered, picking up a rock cake. Was it celebrating her?

"No one has ta celebrate if they aren't wanting to, but it's a whole lotta fun."

"...Slughorn has a Halloween ball? Do people in his club have to go?" she asked, biting into the rock cake. It was sort of like a scone, with pebbles through it instead of chocolate chips. Her teeth sunk right through the rocks. It didn't taste half bad.

"Of course you'were picked for the slug club! Always knew you'were a smart one. From what I know, y' just dance around and pretend laugh at 'is jokes. The foods supposed to be good though, and you'll see meh pumpkins!" He looked out onto the pumpkin patch as he ate another pebbly cake.

"I finished my potion first I guess, but that's not that amazing... I guess it'll give me something to do." She said quietly, watching something run through the forest at lightning speed, the trees pushed out of the way, though nothing was there.

Cherry Lips // s. blackOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant